In questo articolo cercheremo di mettere in evidenza le contraddizioni che accompagnano il consumo di uno degli alimenti più amati e diffusi al mondo e dei derivati dell'industria casearia. Ci serviremo di passaggi logici e intuitivi, di dati oggettivi e di argomentazioni ancora troppo poco diffuse.
La Natura ha dotato i mammiferi di ghiandole mammarie in grado di secernere e fornire ai propri cuccioli un liquido, milk, necessary to ensure the 'baby' all the nutrients it needs in the very first part of his life.
primate milk is mostly watery and low in fat and protein food suitable for the close relationship of dependence on mother and infant-feeding and often very small.
The milk of all mammals and is characterized by a high density and very high in protein and fat, this is explained by the fact that mothers distance themselves immediately from the puppy and spend most of their time away. So in short intervals where it meets with the child should provide a lot of energy (which also makes a reserve) and saziarli shortly.
After weaning, the mammary glands cease to produce milk naturally and the baby can gradually begin to take food to their biologically appropriate species.
With the interruption of greatly reduced the production of lactase, the enzyme that enables it to digest the lactose in the food. The '-lactase deficiency' is therefore responsible for the high amount of intolerance lactose.
No mammal in Nature continues to drink milk after weaning, nor that of other species.
No one except the man!
Who, besides continuing to feed babies with a substance, it does consume plenty of cow's milk and cheese, foods are characterized by an unbalanced composition for human needs: in excess protein, saturated fat, calcium, minerals and disadvantageous relationship between quality of protein and calcium / phosphorus.
no coincidence that the cow's milk is intended to develop a calf up to the weight of 300 kg in a few months! Il LATTE FA BENE ALLE OSSA?
Una delle leggende metropolitane sul latte più radicate e dure a morire è quella secondo cui il latte (e i formaggi, grana padano o parmigiano in testa) sia necessario all'alimentazione umana perchè '"fa bene alle ossa".
Consigliatissimo ai bambini per crescere bene, agli adulti per prevenire l'osteoporosi, a chiunque perchè si tratta di un alimento 'completo'! Vediamo ora perchè le cose non stanno esattamente così.
A classic example of plagiarism media |
It is, in the wake of manipulative best tradition of classic example of the subversion of reality.
Milk contains, as a host of other foods, good amount of calcium. Now, one of the most important factors in the loss of calcium are unbalanced diets on proteins (especially animal), of which milk is rich: the metabolism of milk proteins in fact determines the 'seizure' of calcium from the bones higher than those made.
This dynamic elementary explains why in countries where the milk consumption is low or absent is not known diseases such as osteoporosis, while in countries where it is widely used osteoporosis affects with high incidence.
This sequestration of calcium is a characteristic related to the assimilation of proteins of animal origin and should therefore be also associated with the consumption of meat and fish.
And so, once again, is much more important to avoid 'leakage' rather than increase the intake of calcium.
It can therefore be inferred that the mantra that we heard repeated countless times, that "milk is good for bones," turns out at least risky. Several studies (Article significant bibliography below) confirm this in spite of the 'deal' Academic Medical continues to endure a guilty and deafening silence on the matter.
a healthy lifestyle, regular physical exercise e un' alimentazione naturale equilibrata garantiscono il mantenimento dello stato di salute e un'eccellente prevenzione contro l'osteoporosi.
Ma se elimino il latte, da quali alimenti lo prendo il calcio?
Il calcio è presente ovunque, nell'acqua che beviamo ad esempio. Le erbe officinali sono ricchissime di calcio (salvia, rosmarino, basilico). Cereali e pane integrali, verdura e legumi, semi oleosi contengono mediamente più calcio di quanto ne contenga il latte!
Del calcio (così come delle vitamine) bisogna preoccuparsi esclusivamente if you are regularly used to eat animal protein: dairy products, meat and fish.
There also should be noted that a healthy body is able to maintain balance in the concentration of calcium regardless of what it takes.
Some researchers actually exists the possibility of a synthesis, or rather, a transmutation by which it would produce the transformation of an item from those available in football.
In this regard, please read the very interesting article published by Disinformation, Louis Kervran: stories of ordinary ... removal, this is in any case evidence that the 'science' can not they still want to consider.
MILK AND 'A digested food?
The 'puppy' man from the time of weaning stops producing lactase, the enzyme needed to digest milk. Since that time there will summarize for the rest of his life and then lose the ability to properly digest milk than any other animal species.
This fact is the basis of many disorders linked to the consumption of milk: colitis, intestinal dysbiosis (and consequent malabsorption of nutrients and immune system depression), allergies and intolerances. It is estimated that more
of 2 / 3 of the world's population (some say even 3 / 4) is intolerant of this 'no food' and an even higher proportion of these health problems linked to the consumption of milk.
said the bones, the calcium and osteoporosis just above, we list briefly other health problems related to the habitual consumption of milk.
Iron deficiency: Milk is responsible for bleeding in the digestive system.
saturated fat: milk contains saturated fat and cholesterol that are difficult to dispose of tire features liver, gall bladder, heart. It can thus facilitate the onset of atherosclerosis, eczema, ear infections, sinusitis, vaginal discharge, phlegm, mucus, cellulite and cysts.
abdominal colic, diarrhea and constipation : responsible for malabsorption of nutrients in the food we eat, dehydration and fatigue, asthma and skin problems.
intestinal dysbiosis: frequent in diets with a high content of animal protein, significantly affect the defense capabilities of the immune system.
Allergies: Milk is one of the most common allergens during digestion, releasing high amounts of antigens responsible for allergies.
Diabetes : antibodies against cow's milk proteins are responsible for the destruction of pancreatic beta cells that produce insulin.
Cancer: The presence of growth hormone IGF-1 appears to be related to the rapid growth of tumors.
metabolic acidosis: a diet high in animal protein predisposes to this condition detrimental to all the vital functions, a 'ground' acid predisposes to the onset of acute, chronic and degenerative diseases. Even an excess of plant proteins is responsible for states of acidosis. Finally
milk from intensive production conveys large quantities of toxic substances:
- drugs of all kinds, mainly antibiotics, steroids, anabolic steroids, painkillers, anti-diabetics;
- growth hormones;
- body fluids such as blood, faeces and pus;
- synthetic substances treated with feed as herbicides and pesticides.
It is estimated that in Italy a percentage between 20% and 40% of cows being 'dopata' illegally throughout the whole of their lives to avoid contracting diseases and produce more milk. This type of intensive treatment significantly shortens the life of the animal and puts at serious risk the health of those who, in good faith, ne berrà il latte.
Uno sguardo disincantato sul processo produttivo del latte, affermatosi anche in Italia nella seconda metà del '900 sulla base dell'esempio degli allevamenti intensivi americani e ben lontano dalle immagini distorte della pubblicità in cui si propinano immagini di felici bovini al pascolo.
Le mucche, tipico esempio di animale da 'reddito, sono allevate con metodo intensivo e costrette a produrre fino a 10 volte la quantità che la Natura ha previsto per alimentare il proprio vitello. Per aumentarne la produttività vengono alimentate con 'bombe' proteiche (innaturali per degli erbivori) e imbottite di farmaci quali antibiotici al fine evitare di contrarre mastiti e altre malattie conseguenti lo stress cui vengono sottoposte. Capitolo a parte merita il Posilac, o somatotropina bovina ricombinante, ormone della crescita modificato geneticamente prodotto da una delle aziende più criminali del pianeta: Monsanto. Attualmente è utilizzato negli Stati Uniti mentre è vietato in Canada, Europa e numerosi altri paesi, sebbene Monsanto spinga periodicamente per invadere anche queste aree. Ciononostante esiste un 'antidoping' anche per le mucche nostrane e i risultati sono tutt'altro che rassicuranti: l'elenco dei farmaci e delle molecole proibite riscontrate reminiscent of a pharmaceutical formulary and the use of Posilac (readily available from overseas or from the countries of the Far East) is taken for granted. The percentage of doped cattle is between 20% and 40%. To everyone else is still allowed to use drugs within certain limits. Moral: even all these substances end up in finished products: milk, meat and cheese. Returning
farming, under these conditions of stress or life of a dairy cow does not exceed 6 years of age, the same cow grazing would live around 20 years.
Another chilling aspect is that concerning the fate of the calves, literally torn from the bosom of his madre per evitare che ne sugga il latte e costretti a vivere in gabbie strettissime e ad alimentarsi con una dieta insufficiente in modo da renderli anemici e ottenere così carni più chiare e sfibrate (tenere...), tanto richieste e amate dai consumatori. farming, under these conditions of stress or life of a dairy cow does not exceed 6 years of age, the same cow grazing would live around 20 years.
Nell'immediato dopoguerra un'imponente, continua, assillante campagna mediatica ha reso il latte vaccino il prodotto che conosciamo oggi.
Fino ad allora veniva consumato saltuariamente e i formaggi erano prevalentemente ovini.
L'importazione del modello di allevamento intensively by the United States of America did see gains would have been unthinkable for producers and determined the need to 'create' a nation of consumers. It did so unprecedented propaganda in favor of a food by involving the media and the medical profession, who was indoctrinated properly.
Even today many doctors, regardless of the progress made by research that reverses all the dogmas fallen from above, are used for children and adults suggest the regular intake of dairy products as the basis of good nutrition. The case of osteoporosis is almost embarrassing and symptomatic of an outdated model of training and presumptuous attitude (o, siamo sempre li, interessata: più malati più soldi).
Oggi l'industria del latte è un carrozzone che fatica a mantenersi in piedi, specialmente in Italia, per il sovradimensionamento e la contemporanea presenza delle quote latte. Succede così che, paradossalmente, importiamo latte da altri paesi. La qualità è sempre più scadente, e non potrebbe essere altrimenti. Inoltre consapevolezze come quelle che state leggendo in questo articolo sono sempre più diffuse e prese in considerazione.
Ma gli interessi economici di un'industria così importante non guardano in faccia a niente, tanto meno alla salute e al benessere dei consumatori. La 'baracca' should go ahead and huge sums of public money are periodically removed from the state coffers to fund this market.
Did you notice the appearance of 'dependency'. This is due to the presence of polypeptides that stimulate the production of endorphins can induce a feeling of well being.
There is also an important aspect of emotional dependence powered by the very fact that extend beyond the neonatal intake of 'fluid breast'. Not being able to do without milk in adulthood also affects the psychic level to feed addictions.
Main references.
Main references.
Since the topic is very sensitive and that the milk is put in dicsussione act within the limits of heresy, as may happen to receive jeers and even insults ... You will need to report on what you have established and, ultimately, even to yourself a minimum of monitoring and scientific support.
We close then with a succession of brief but significant references.
The source is one of our absolute references, PubMed, one of the book stores and authoritative publications in the field of bio-medical worldwide.
- Sellmeyer DE, Stone KL, Sebastian A, Cummings SR A high ratio of dietary animal to vegetable protein increases the rate of bone loss and the risk of fracture in postmenopausal women. Study of Osteoporotic Fractures Research Group, Am J Clin Nutr 2001 Jan; 73(1):118-22
- Feskanich D, Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA Protein consumption and bone fractures in women , Am J Epidemiol. 1996 Mar 1;143(5):472-9
- Feskanich D, Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA Milk, dietary calcium, and bone fractures in women: a 12-year prospective study , Am J Public Health 1997 Jun; 87(6):992-7
- Kanis JA, Johansson H, Oden A, De Laet C, Johnell O, Eisman JA, McCloskey E, Mellstrom D, Pols H, Reeve J, Silman A, Tenenhouse A A meta-analysis of milk intake and fracture risk: low utility for case finding , Osteoporos Int. 2004 Oct 21; [Epub ahead of print]
- Frassetto LA, Todd KM, Morris RC Jr, Sebastian A. Worldwide incidence of hip fracture in elderly women: relation to consumption of animal and vegetable foods , 2000 Oct;55(10):M585-92.
- Hegsted DM. Fractures, calcium, and the modern diet , Am J Clin Nutr. 2001 Nov;74(5):571-3
- Abelow BJ, Holford TR, Insogna KL. Cross-cultural association between dietary animal protein and hip fracture: a hypothesis , Calcif Tissue Int. 1992 Jan;50(1):14-8.
- Zemel MB, Schuette SA, Hegsted M, Linkswiler HM Role of the sulfur-containing amino acids in protein-induced hypercalciuria in men , J Nutr 1981 Mar;111(3):545-52.
- Hegsted M, Schuette SA, Zemel MB, Linkswiler HM Urinary calcium and calcium balance in young men as affected by level of protein and phosphorus intake , J Nutr 1981 Mar;111(3):553-62.
- Zemel MB: Calcium utilization: Effect of varying level and source of dietary protein . Am J Clin Nutr 1988; 48: 880-883. Linkswiler-HM, Zemel MB, Hegsted M, Schuette S: Protein-induced hypercalciuria. Fed Proc 1981, 40: 2429-2433.
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