Prince Omar Rashid introduces Leyla (aka Taylor Forrester) to his court (1994)
In the spring of 1994 Hunter Tylo temporarily left Beautiful , in agreement with the production, which enabled her to accept the role leading to una miniserie in tre puntate coprodotta da Canada, Italia e Germania. La figlia del Marahaja venne girata in India tra la primavera e l'estate di quell'anno, tenendo lontana l'attrice dalla propria patria e dalla soap per alcuni mesi. Al di là dell'occasione professionale, quel lungo viaggio di lavoro fu per Hunter Tylo rivoluzionario. La permanenza in India la segnò profondamente, sia dal punto di vista umano che spirituale. Il contatto con un Paese così diverso, pieno di contraddizioni e di realtà sociali e mistiche tanto differenti, la spinse ad addentrarsi in percorsi esistenziali inesplorati e a cercare una nuova consapevolezza religiosa. In addition to experience first hand experience of high mysticism (later recounted in TV interviews) Hunter on the set reciprocated lost his head for a stuntman, deciding to separate from her husband Michael Tylo (then played Alex 'Blade' in Bladeson Restless ) and to move with his new partner in America completed the shooting. The story, however, did not last long, and within a year the actress returned to her husband, re-establishing a happy marriage (of this chapter in the life of Hunter Tylo write in more detail in the future). The writers of Beautiful solved the absence of the actress allegedly faked his death Taylor Forrester in a plane crash in Egypt . Of course - unlike the subsequent death in 2002, written to be corrected in the 2005 final and narrative tricks with sui generis acts in the resurrection of the character-viewers knew that Taylor would be returned to the scene within a few months. The ability of the writers was entirely credible in making the death of Taylor heartbreaking and the impact his death had on her husband Ridge (Ronn Moss ). Launch from the pain, the stylist cried all her tears after losing it e non smise mai di pensare a lei, anche dopo essersi riavvicinato a Brooke Logan ( Katherine Kelly Lang ). Gli sceneggiatori attuarono una mossa sorprendente: Taylor non rientrò nella vita dei Forrester col ritorno di Hunter Tylo nella soap, dopo tre mesi e mezzo d'assenza. Venne di fatto scritta una trama parallela, con Taylor priva di memoria in Marocco . Dopo essersi risvegliata dallo stato di coma dovuto a una violenta aggressione nei bagni dell' aeroporto di Casablanca (un'altra persona era morta al suo posto nel disastro aereo in Egitto, indossando his clothes and personal effects), the woman is cared for, protected and cosseted by the wealthy prince Omar Rashid (Kabir Bedi ) that the appointment Leyla and introduces her to life in the royal palace and his court . Leyla adapts to the habits and customs of the place, being idolized as a princess (and will become in effect when you were married to Omar ). In Beautiful for several months winding two parallel storylines: one is the story of a Forrester Los Angeles, the other the path Leyla in search of itself and its past in a land far come il Marocco. Le due trame hanno a tratti delle convergenze, ma solo dopo parecchio tempo si intrecciano in modo tale da riportare Taylor in America per bussare al cuore del suo amato e mai dimenticato Ridge . Kabir Bedi , che negli States non ha la stessa popolarità acquisita in India e in Italia, fu scritturato dai produttori di Beautiful forse perchè intrigati dal copione de La figlia del Maharaja . Anche se le due vicende hanno trame e ambientazioni differenti, l'atmosfera orientaleggiante e l'utilizzo degli stessi interpreti lascia presupporre che la soap abbia tratto ispirazione proprio dalla miniserie.
Ridge ripensa ai giorni felici con Taylor: la splendida vacanza d'amore a Saint Thomas (1992)
Ridge e Taylor a Saint Thomas : momenti indimenticabili tra gioco e romanticismo
Ridge Forrester ricorda estasiato la magia vissuta to Saint Thomas (June 1995)
Ridge, unaware that other people are already aware of the presence of Taylor in Los Angeles , keeps the secret about his meetings with the woman. Still amazed by this amazing return, he rejoiced in his heart like never before, and carves out time and space to figure out how to proceed. He never ceased to love Taylor, strappatagli away from destiny, but also loves Brooke . His mind can not go over the many happy days spent with Taylor . In particular, Ridge smiles with his mind reliving the romantic and playful holiday Saint Thomas , nelle Isole Vergini , in cui sentimenti ed emozioni galoppavano liberi nel vento, proprio come loro due, con pochi vestiti addosso e nessun fardello esistenziale a carico. Fu lì che lui le chiese di sposarlo.
... ma Leyla torna ad essere Taylor Forrester, e respinge ogni forma di plagio e di controllo perchè rivuole solo la sua vecchia vita a fianco the only man who really loves
Prince Omar does not intend to give up Leyla
Taylor leads the Prince Omar in his hotel room, wandering around with a Los Angeles big hat that mask. Far from Morocco and the human condition, Taylor has found herself and the strength to be a Ridge, listening to the voice of the heart. Omar does not intend to give up Leyla, now in effect and his wife Princess, and tries again to convince her to retrace his steps. It builds on his feelings of guilt and children dell'orfanotrio who turn their backs, but this time Taylor not persuaded by the story-telling ability of Omar and responds in kind, all expressing what he thinks. He has certainly saved her life, but at the same time has made its dominated by deception and lies, creating them a life of illusion. Taylor wants to go back to being alone Taylor Forrester, wife of Ridge. Leyla identity that is now refuses, because it represents a denial of what really makes you feel alive in the soul: the unconditional love for Ridge.
U.S. air date: June 1995
Italian air date: October 1995
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