Sunday, January 9, 2011

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sustainable food: study INRAN to algae spirulina of Lake Chad in Africa

The INRAN, the Italian public body for research on food and nutrition Mipaaf supervised by the (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry), conducted under a pilot project of FAO and the European Union, a study on the safety and nutritional quality the "dihè", a traditional food of the region of Lake Chad in Africa and an important food resource and economic potential for other African territories. It is a natural food, the high nutritional value, which is derived by drying and further processing of seaweed green-blue typical of the lake, also known as Spirulina.
The FAO-EU pilot project, launched in 2004, aims to promote and test new processing techniques that improve the quality and safety of the product than that obtained traditionally. To that end, samples were collected 17 dihè both traditional has improved from 9 different sites around the lake. The INRAN in collaboration with the iTrade (Tchadien Institut de Recherche Agronomique pour le Developpement du Chad) has them tested for nutritional quality and safety of food produced with both production modes.
"E 'showed that the dihè improved, while maintaining a high nutritional value, is more hygienic and safe, and not contaminated by sand-Carcea Marina explains, the researcher who led the study INRAN -. Sure , toxicological and technological research can achieve even more significant, however, the improved dihè remains an excellent source of protein, minerals, folate and carotenoids to combat malnutrition by ensuring hygiene and respect for local traditions and at the same time promoting widespread economic and social development. "A substantial contribution of research, in short, because - as he said recently at the FAO-Galan minister "who is dying of hunger is expected that the hand of the Good Samaritan to give him something to eat and not to the proceedings of a conference to study."

Rome, December 10, 2010


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