"Overweight children have a strong chance of developing diseases in adulthood"
Esiste una condizione nell’infanzia che
permette di identificare precocemente
i futuri predisposti a malattie cardiovascolari,
ipertensione arteriosa e diabete:
l’obesità. L’obesità infantile è una patologia
di sempre maggiore interesse sia per
la sua diffusione nei paesi industrializzati
sia per la riconosciuta associazione con
l’obesità in età adulta e con le patologie
correlate. Diverse sono le definizioni di
obesità ma, come già indicato nel n. 1 di
questa rivista dal Dr. Adesso, quella più
utilizzata è basata sull’indice di massa
corporea (BMI). Esso si calcola dividendo
il peso per l’altezza in metri elevata
al quadrato, si ha così il soprappeso per
valori tra 25 e 30, e l’obesità per valori
superiori a 30.
Attualmente circa il 7% della popolazione
mondiale è obesa, la percentuale dei
soggetti in soprappeso è 2-3 volte maggiore.
Questo fenomeno si sta diffondendo
come una epidemia, dall’America del
nord e Nord Europa all’area del Mediterraneo,
proprio in quei paesi considerati la
culla di una salutare ed equilibrata dieta.
Recentissimi dati Eurispes (2008) dicono
che in Italia i “fuori-peso” sono quasi
5 milioni con tendenza a preoccupante
crescita e a far meditare sono soprattutto
i giovani: 4% bambini e adolescenti obesi
e 24% in soprappeso con la Campania che
conquista la maglia nera (36% bambini e
ragazzi in eccesso peso).
Tralasciando le cause (ormonali, farmaci
ecc.) già segnalate nel succitato
intervention, it seems appropriate to emphasize that the behavioral aspects
favor and possible remedies. E '
been shown that children who spend less time
physical activity are at high risk of developing more
obesity during childhood and adolescence.
TV, computer and video game use
have contributed to a more sedentary lifestyle
and consumption of foods and snacks
high in fat and excessive caloric rate.
obese children tend to skip breakfast, eat excessively but
during the day. The consumption of beverages
sweets high in sugar is the main cause of the increase
energy, especially because they tend to replace
adolescence, milk consumption and calcium
. And 'demonstrated that breastfeeding
breastfeeding has a protective effect.
In general, subjects with the worst socio-economic level
are more likely to become obese than those with better socioeconomic
, which may have greater availability of
lead a better lifestyle, access to food better and have
greater ease of physical activity.
As written by Prof. Panizon "Rich in the World
obesity is the disease
poorer classes;
malnutrition in the poor world to the poorest
unhappily alongside obesity of the rich,
much more violent as the wealth
is recent. " The perception of obesity by
the child led him to consider
lazy, selfish, low intelligence,
in socially isolated and have poor performance in school
. Among adolescents may appear
symptoms of depression and anxiety. The pediatrician must identify the
child overweight and intervene
before it becomes obese, giving advice as basic nutritional
eliminate sugary drinks and sodas, condiments
contain fat, portion control,
increase consumption of fruit and vegetables, reduce
precooked foods, encourage a
' daily physical activity. After
checked the progress, if these are insufficient
will be directed to a program aimed
food and then a possible intervention specialist
The use of a pharmacological approach
or even surgery is only for
complicated forms. The public health strategies aimed at prevention of the phenomenon
from school for
should be extended to the whole community. A
proper nutrition education is essential
from pre-school education at all levels
primary objective would be to reduce all
sedentary activities, with the possibility of being able to play
physical exercises in schools, recreation areas and structures
from the above
need a multidisciplinary intervention, otherwise the failure
both in terms of preventive and therapeutic
with the aim of having a
future of children, adolescents, adults and elderly people with normal weight
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