Sheila Carter Forrester Warwick James wrapped in his shadow (1995)
For three years Sheila Carter (Kimberlin Brown ) had managed to hide the family Forrester and her husband Eric (John McCook ) his dark past in Genoa City , marked by actions morally contemptible and real crimes. For three years he had lied, woven intrigue, conspiracy, blackmail, betrayal and killed to hide the truth, to neutralize those who hindered and threatened those who put out his new golden existence. But one lie after another and fierce anger that is brought in avevano finito per corrodere anche la felice unione con Eric , spingendolo infine a chiederle il divorzio. Il sogno di Sheila era così andato in briciole, come il suo ruolo da signora Forrester in carica. Le restavano solo la buona posizione sociale, molti soldi, la bellissima villa che il marito le aveva lasciato e tanti segreti da tenere chiusi a doppia mandata per preservarsi. Ma lo psichiatra James Warwick ( Ian Buchanan ) e l'arcinemica Lauren Fenmore ( Tracey E. Bregman ) erano entrati pericolosamente in contatto, facendo franare in un colpo solo tutto il suo castello di bugie. Lauren aveva James revealed to the dark past of Sheila before returning to Genoa City and physical aggression after another of Carter . Sheila despair, had taken out his final ace from his sleeve, trying to shut the man and prevent him from speaking to Forrester. After drugged and kidnapped, locked him in the basement of his villa, which was found to be the laboratory of the famous magician Houdini (1874-1926). A cavern accessible through a secret passage consists of a slide library. Sheila had taken Warwick prisoner for a month, torturandolo psicologicamente e fisicamente, servendosi con crudeltà dei marchingegni del mago per immobilizzarlo e fargli del male . Gli aveva negato cibo e acqua, se non in minime dosi. Lo aveva umiliato e deriso. Aveva cercato d'annientare la sua volontà. Ma James, forte della capacità di lavorare con la mente, con grande fatica era gradualmente riuscito a vincere le resistenze della sua carceriera, inducendola a fidarsi di lui. Sheila ormai era sola e vulnerabile. Dietro l'aria sinistra e il sadismo, era una donna respinta dai due uomini che aveva amato con tutta se stessa e che desiderava solo essere amata da qualcuno. Seppur provato e distrutto, James instaurò con lei un rapporto di confidenze and vents, which resulted in a turbid attraction. Sheila began to feel for his prisoner to the point of having sex with him. James exploited the vulnerability of women and the emotional outlet that had on her as a Trojan horse to gain access to freedom. But Sheila was not prepared to let him go, not trusting him up to that point. Warwick was still convinced that the direction taken was the most effective, but one day the situation worsened inexorably ...
Eric and Stephanie Forrester remain shocked by the revelations of Lauren
Stephanie (Susan Flannery ) warns worried Eric: it is now convinced that something is happening in the gloomy house where he lives Sheila . After having visited, he heard a strange noise coming from the bottom and have found a shirt James , seriously fears that the disappearance of the psychiatrist is connected to the woman. The two, before turning to the authorities, contacted at Genoa City her friend Lauren Fenmore , the last person to have seen James a month before because of revelations that had him. Lauren alarmed and immediately senses that his archenemy has returned to the office more demonic than ever. Then, free from blackmail, can finally reveal to Forrester the great secret of Sheila Carter. The cards are so discovered after three years of bluff and daring games. And the truth so held in abeyance between Restless and Beautiful emerges in all its sharp clarity, and upsetting Eric Stephanie .
Sheila: the calm before the storm
... and points it at James
Sheila Carter Forrester is beside himself with anger
James, sensing the presence of Stephanie, had tried in vain to draw his attention to beating up the pipes. Sheila did not like that move. Convinced that she had been betrayed once again by a man, is ready to take revenge on the man who dared to abuse its trust. Warwick feet tied and had little freedom of movement, in addition to fatigue due to long imprisonment. His words have most effect on Sheila, who has a flash of hatred in his eyes and prepares to kill him with unprecedented ferocity. E 'tired of men. Scott Grainger (Peter Barton ) and Eric Forrester they had turned their backs, and now James Warwick, the only one who seemed to have understood and appreciated for what it was, the only one able to save her from herself and misery, was a traitor ...
James pointed the knife to the jugular Sheila
Sheila James imprisoned in his own trap
The apparent defeat of Sheila Carter Forrester
Sheila loses control of the situation and James fight savagely against her to escape death. Unable to neutralize it and have, literally, on the side of the knife handle. The games are closed. The reign of intrigue and terror seems Sheila Carter came to an end after five years of criminal and evil acts. James imprisons the psychopathic in its own trap, not before treating her with the same verbal sadism that she imposed on him for weeks. Then, he goes from prison, ready to bring to justice the woman. It 's a different James that leaves the secret laboratory of Houdini . After a very violent and the limits of human endurance, with a sprinkling of Eros and Thanatos, it'll take a bit 'of time to reassess the body and spirit.
Video 1 and 2:
U.S. air date: June 1995
Italian air date: October 1995
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