Beautiful: Taylor bussa al cuore di Ridge
Ridge lost in thought (June 1995)
Taylor contemplates his great love
is not easy for Ridge Forrester (Ronn Moss ) listen to your heart. Happy and contented marriage union with Brooke (Katherine Kelly Lang ) and to finally be a father to all the effects of daughter Bridget , did not expect that the fate rimettesse everything into question. Taylor (Hunter Tylo ), the woman who for two years had been his beloved wife and that she had cried all her tears after it is believed died in a plane crash, had returned home, the protagonist of a real miracle. More than a year after his tragic death, Ridge now living the present, but never bury so many beautiful memories of the woman who had the features and the soul of an angel. But his incredible comeback, only to see it for a few moments, he had rekindled in those powerful feelings struck down by a cruel game of fate. Ridge feels poised between past and present has yet to figure out if his mind is with Brooke and with children, or if you have to oust the past, following binding to Taylor, interrupted not by will or free choice. Convinced that no one know she is alive and it is Los Angeles , (actually most people are aware for some time), will reflect carefully on how to act, trying to understand what is truly trying and who among the two women is the most downbeat of his heart. Taylor, after he stepped aside a long time, now he knows exactly who and what he wants to return to her husband's side and make him happy. E 'aware that he has another family and another life. Precisely for this reason he chose to remain in Morocco and to marry Prince Omar Rashid ( Kabir Bedi), believed to be too many in America and to undermine their happiness. But love was stronger at the end of everything, pushing it to retrace his steps and to prove the one man who mattered to her more than life itself. Taylor feels that Ridge has not stopped loving her, despite everything . Do not hesitate to knock at his heart, with the grace and nobility of spirit that set it apart, hoping that he can listen to without hesitation and relive the feelings that still, it is certain, bear each other.
Ridge is excited to be back in the company of Taylor
Taylor Ridge tells the truth about his coma, leaving thrilled
Taylor, always in disguise by big hats to avoid being recognized in turn, convinces Ridge to spend time together, catching up in the pool area of \u200b\u200bVilla Forrester, where he is relaxing and meditating. A lot of them need to be said and explained. She lives with joy return to places once so familiar and dear, before their lives as they undergo a sharp detour. glances they exchange almost shyly, shyness of those who truly love, yet wish to reveal how to communicate and stay close . But it is as if you were to hear again and again. That year because of the distance they have changed somewhat, changing their lives. Ridge vorrebbe comprendere l'accaduto, capire la situazione nel dettaglio, sapere da Taylor cosa ha passato in quei lunghi mesi d'assenza in cui lui piangeva la sua morte. Ma non la tartassa di domande, rispettandola.
Taylor, in lacrime per l'emozione, dichiara il suo amore a Ridge
Ridge è commosso dall'altruismo di Taylor e dall'amore che gli dimostra
Ridge resta basito e perplesso quando
Taylor accenna a un punto chiave della sua vicenda: non è rimasta in stato di coma per tutto il periodo che ha vissuto in Marocco, ma solo nei months. The woman, not to mention her marriage to Omar
, tries to make them understand the emotional hardships suffered and the only real reason that 'he kept away from him, though he could have come home long ago: she most of all wanted her to be happy. Far from everything and everyone, after learning of his marriage to Brooke
and seeing pictures of them together happily, he was convinced that they have no right to interfere and take away the family that he so desired and that she instead had failed to give, not get pregnant.
undermined by the insecurity of feeling on one side and the other too, had chosen to sacrifice themselves to allow the man she loved live his happiness. Ridge was moved: the altruism of
Taylor is priceless and shows once again how a beautiful person, who puts the happiness of others to their own. Taylor
but now no longer fears to express what they feel really, and you do not declare everything in the withholds his love ... Following the rapprochement between them will be resized.
Ridge find it hard to understand the revelations about the life of Taylor
in Morocco and marriage with the prince, coming to doubt his sincerity. Whenever
Ridge has moved away from
Taylor was not for lack of love, but because she had betrayed her eyes and angelic with the idealized image that he saw it.
U.S. air date: June 1995
Italian air date: October 1995