Nicholas and Sharon Newman: Communication interrupted (2002)
San Valentino and the magic of love ... A state of grace that frees all the emotions and feel omnipotent and the moon, when you have the luck and the beauty of love unrequited. Nicholas (Joshua Morrow ) and Sharon Newman (Sharon Case ) pair of Prince Restless , fell in love in high school, tenderly, passionately, gently , impetuously, and their feeling that united them against all odds, raising their hearts beyond all barriers with whose life and circumstances they have severely tested. When two people feel they belong nothing can separate them, because you can not crack a feeling powerful and authentic as love and crumble as it did not exist. Love never ends, but only love can not keep two people connected. Nick and Sharon in their long journey as a couple, have traveled different stages, were married, they built a family and tried to assert their identity. Every step taken together has been a little big milestone, a moment of growth, but both are also stumbled ... and fallen. And in that moment, when you land, feel the hand of that grabs you can make a difference. A Nick and Sharon happened more times than not understanding each other, to escape the confrontation, not being able to forgive and to be divided by a wall of lack of communication and often impassable. If a feeling can not be ripped off by heart, a broken heart can not beat in unison with each other and hoist a fort to protect themselves from pain, emotional injuries and unfulfilled expectations.
Nicholas thinks plagued the many magical moments lived with Sharon (February 2002)
the end of 2001, the emotional distance between Nicholas e Sharon raggiunge l'apice quando lei perde la figlia neonata subito dopo il parto. La piccola era nata prematuramente, dopo una gravidanza tribolata e contestata. Sharon non sapeva se la bambina fosse stata concepita con l'amato marito o frutto di una possibile violenza sessuale di cui forse era stata vittima, drogata dal diabolico Matt Clark ( Rick Hearst ), che prima di morire aveva dato per certo a Nick di aver abusato della moglie. Sharon aveva vissuto con mortificazione la maternità, ma si era opposta a test medici rischiosi per stabilire la paternità prima del parto e non aveva intenzione di far ricadere l'orrore lasciato da Matt on an innocent creature, which was equally popular with all herself. Nick, however, was not able to accept the possibility that his wife was carrying the seed of his worst enemy, who had twice destroyed their happy existence. tension and lack of communication raged for months, until a furious quarrel in which Sharon , stumbling over a chair to chase her husband on the run after an outburst from home, then getting hurt was in labor with dramatic results. Nicholas , trying gigantic guilt, she was never close as before, but along with that innocent baby had died a part of Sharon . Why Nick, in his eyes and his heart, had become a stranger, as it was cold and was absent when she needed support, kindness and protection. Sharon not understand the hatred of Nick Matt seemed to be stronger than his love for her. The months following the tragedy will take them first to be ever more distant, unable to re-establish a real contact despite some timid approach and love alive in the bottom of their hearts. Valentine's Day of 2002, which is Nick Sharon (he immersed in the confusion of Crimson Lights and she alone with her grief at the ranch) Rethinking to the many wonderful moments that have marked their love story. Magical memories to remember the magic of a genuine sentiment. The song is the background to the flashback of the past is Wherever You Will Go The Calling of , one of the global hit of 2002, which Restless used as the soundtrack suited to describe the power of love stormy between Nicholas and Sharon.
Lately, I wondered
Chi ci sarà a prendere il mio posto
Quando me ne andrò, avrai bisogno d'amore
Per illuminare le ombre sul tuo volto
Se una grande onda s'infrangerà,
Si infrangerà su tutti noi
E tra la sabbia e le rocce
Potresti farcela da sola?
Se ne avrò la possibilità, allora lo farò
Chi ci sarà a prendere il mio posto
Quando me ne andrò, avrai bisogno d'amore
Per illuminare le ombre sul tuo volto
Se una grande onda s'infrangerà,
Si infrangerà su tutti noi
E tra la sabbia e le rocce
Potresti farcela da sola?
Se ne avrò la possibilità, allora lo farò
Le nozze di Nicholas e Sharon Newman (febbraio 1996)
Andrò ovunque tu andrai
Lassù in alto o quaggiù in basso
Andrò ovunque tu andrai
E forse, scoprirò
Il modo per tornare indietro, un
day To watch you, to guide you in your darkest days
If a great wave s'infrangerà,
It will break us all
Nicholas irresistibly drawn by his wife
Well, I hope there is someone out there
make it back to you with my heart Run away
Run away with my hope Run away with my love
Nicholas and Sharon beaming with the birth of Noah (1997)
Sharon e Nicholas fanno l'amore dopo essersi riappacificati, ritrovandosi (1999)
Sharon e Nicholas: amore da mille e una notte al chiaro di luna (2001)
Adesso so, in che modo
La mia vita e il mio amore possano ancora andare avanti
Nel tuo cuore e nella tua mente
Rimarrò con te per sempre
Se potessi tornare indietro
Andrò ovunque tu andrai
Se potessi farti mia
Andrò ovunque tu andrai
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