Ten eternal virtues . It was collected Vivien Reid Ferrucci, psychologist, in his book " Knowing how to live," published by St. Paul. The were used to develop a kind of modern etiquette soul. Sincerity, Self Care, Harmony, Patience, moderation, Gratitude, Empathy and Compassion, loving kindness, humility, forgiveness.
In the opinion of the expert, who graduated with honors from the University of Sydney, are the only ones that can help us live in a world, the current one, in which, rather than the moral decay, dominating the confusion.
We felt and told us that Australians are more respectful of the rules than Europeans, and Italians, but they are more gentle. His recent work comes from the need: "Each of us has a task: to try to improve their character."
Its position is against the decline of values.
Yes, because I think in some ways our society is more developed than in the past. More than degradation is so much confusion around: we have a new set of problems. If I thought that the confusion of our values \u200b\u200bwas unstoppable, would not have written the book. In every generation there are two types of forces: those of love and justice that lead to higher values, and those of ignorance, which destroy and falsify. The youth is very interested in change. Traditional values \u200b\u200bhave to be restated and reformulated in a manner appropriate to current times, and also globally. For this reason it is crucial inter-religious dialogue and inter-generational.
But this is feasible, if no one takes the dogmatic position of absolute superiority over those of others. Speaking of which religion is the religion that today can serve as a model for a turnaround?
All religions have the tools to potentially reverse this trend. But they must also be consistent with historical changes. As human organizations operating in the historical and social, are not infallible. In their name has been made a lot of damage. Should always be able to controllare la loro capacità di tolleranza e integrità.
Lei cita senza distinzione Gesù e Gandhi. E' solo un caso?
Gesù è un paradigma delle aspirazioni divine dell’umanità. Siamo fatti a sua immagine e somiglianza – per lo meno in potenza. Ma siamo ancora molto distanti da quel livello. Gandhi era più vicino a questo ideale di umanità, pur non essendo egli stesso di religione cristiana.
Ma torniamo allo sbando. Vede differenza tra la società italiana ed europea e quella australiana? In che senso?
Non pretendo di conoscere la società europea: è un concetto troppo vasto. Perfino parlare degli “italiani” è una generalizzazione. Ma se davvero bisogna fare un paragone, vedo una differenza a favore degli australiani – e la vedo tutti i giorni sulle strade. Gli australiani hanno più rispetto per le regole, per i pedoni e gli altri guidatori. Qui in Italia vedo più violazioni in un giorno di quante non ne veda in un mese in Australia. D’altronde, gli italiani sono spesso generosi. La società italiana ha una meravigliosa tradizione di carità e gentilezza. Una diciassettenne, attualmente in visita da noi dall’Australia, says that the Italian guys who knew there are more than friends among them who knew him in Australia, which show rather than rivalry and coldness.
What do you think is the main cause of so much confusion? Probably lies in the fact that we are not able to be clear with ourselves and then with others, we have become careerists and unable to accept your defeats, failures?
Humanity has always been involved in an evolutionary process. The technology and the digital world, while offering great vantaggi, portano con sé nuovi problemi, e forse ci rendono meno trasparenti a noi stessi che nel passato, perchè ci schermano dagli altri. Negli altri noi potremmo specchiarci, potremmo entrare in relazione e imparare. Con le nuove tecnologie digitali questo processo a volte è depotenziato. Facebook , per esempio, mette in rapporto senza davvero mettere in rapporto.
Nel suo libro elenca dieci eterne virtù: qual è quella da ripristinare con piu urgenza e da rivedere?
La moderazione aiuterebbe a mantenere integro il nostro Pianeta. Gandhi ha detto: “La terra ha enough to meet the needs of everyone, but not everyone's greed "I also think that forgiveness is the most important value. The qualities discussed in the last two chapters of the book, humility and forgiveness, in my opinion are the most spiritual.
Who address today this list? the political class, by any chance? Advertisers? The media?
I would like to address especially the young.
She says that in Italy there is no degradation. A phenomenon such as the sale of parliamentary to stay on the news, not the door to change his mind?
Again, rather than moral decay, I'd rather talk about room for improvement. In Italy I see a lot of intelligence, culture, wisdom. But this is not enough. I would prefer it to be a greater respect for others and less individualism. The consumer mentality has too much weight. And in the public's hunger for power and wealth generates false. The truth is, in my opinion, an end in itself. Lying is often seen as a means to an end - but certainly not alone in this society.
He hopes that things might improve? It will be sufficient to observe his Decalogue to give a steer to our way of life? A simplistic discourse, is not it?
I'm not so presumptuous as to think that my little book, with some stories and reflections, may be able to change course to anyone. Regardless of my book, I hope for a change. The writings like mine are just like drops in an ocean.
Striking the chapters on forgiveness, really hard to practice, and that on self-care. A little 'difficult to take care of themselves, fall in love without falling themselves or narcissism, is not it?
I think it's hard to practice self-care so much, because we are often too hard on ourselves, and also because at other times we are instead focused only pleasure. We need balance. And restraint. In fact, the various virtues are not difficult to implement, because they are right, and humans have an innate sense of justice.
I've seen a lot of quoting the wisdom of the rabbis. Why?
For an exquisite sense of humor, which is characteristic of the Jewish tradition. I believe that stories are often better suited to teaching than they have other teaching aids. As the majority of people, even I like to laugh or smile. If a story can teach us something and make a good mood, its value is inestimable.
After many years of professional experience, what is the most widespread disease, we suffer?
I do not practice the profession for many years (I have dedicated myself to the family and writing). So I'm not an authority on mental health problems. I would think that depression and panic attacks are on the rise. I also believe that many physical ailments are psychosomatic in fact - that have an emotional cause, although physical symptoms are very real.
Many on our site express a state of intolerance, fatigue. and decide to change their lives and away from your country or change jobs. E 'enough?
Many of these ten qualities are the remedies were negative. For example, the harmony saves us from the conflict, is opposed to self-gratitude, patience is a remedy for the frustration and agitation. To combat fatigue and discouragement, our best allies are the love and solidarity based on compassion. As for the desire to change the circumstances of our life, we must use our intuition and common sense. A change of job may be a good start, if the new job is more in tune with our character and our preferences. A balanced decision to change their way of life - a decision based on information and supported by a healthy realism - can be sufficient. For example, I know a professional translator who has moved from French-speaking Canada, he obtained citizenship, and in terms of his business is better there than in Italy. It 'also true that many often leave their country in search of the most promising places, but then are surprised by the difficulties they encounter. It's never easy being an immigrant. However, it is a truism of psychology that everywhere we go we carry our problems. A new environment does not delete them automatically.
You say you have to do without expecting anything in return. But this attitude really brings the other to understand the meaning of the gift? Not likely to leave in his selfishness?
Yes, the risk is. But to get better we would do well to get rid of our expectations with regard to others. Also, if I act out of personal interest, this does not make others less selfish, to the contrary. It 's our altruism, our disinterest, that inspires them.
The example of a person who embodies a large part of its eternal virtues?
Mother Teresa of Calcutta, passato recente. E poi il Dalai Lama, Nelson Mandela.
A cura di Cinzia Ficco
Vivien Reid ha lavorato come psicologa in vari enti statali, ad esempio, il dipartimento della sanità, quello dei servizi di comunità, e in diversi istituti d’istruzione professionali come counselor. Dopo la laurea ha seguito corsi di religione comparata presso la stessa Università. Ha scritto articoli per varie riviste, e in particolare una serie di saggi per il rotocalco spagnolo Mente Sana . She lives near Florence with her husband and two children.
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