Eric to the ground , wounded and unconscious, rescue his son Ridge (April 1992)
Brooke Logan (Katherine Kelly Lang ) had really believed in marriage with Eric Forrester (John McCook ) and the possibility to form a strong and happy family with him and son Eric Jr. ( Jeremy Snider ). Eric represented everything that the past had refused: a grown man and protective that address the shortcomings due to the lack of emotional growth in his father, a devoted companion and full of romantic impulses that made her feel loved and a professional rich and affirmed in a position to assure a standard of living never before experienced . But Brooke was also aware that one man in the world was able to upset her and turn her in all desires, all the passions and feelings more real in this world: Ridge Forrester ( Ronn Moss )! In fondo al suo cuore non aveva mai smesso di amarlo e di pensare a lui, ma aveva rinunciato a sperare in un futuro insieme dopo averlo visto prima convolare a nozze con Caroline Spencer ( Joanna Johnson ) e, successivamente alla sua morte, frequentare la bella dottoressa Taylor Hayes ( Hunter Tylo ). Brooke aveva preferito non rinunciare alla prima situazione affettiva davvero appagante che stesse vivendo per dare la caccia a un u0mo irrequieto che più volte l'aveva considerata una seconda scelta. Col tempo però l'attrazione magnetica tra i due era tornata a manifestarsi in tutta la sua forza. Entrambi had tried to resist their instincts and feelings never dormant. Ridge did not want to interfere in the marriage of his father and Brooke did not intend to sacrifice his family in the name of passion. But the straw near the fire burning: between inevitably Ridge and Brooke the flame was lighted. After making love in secret, a series of events led them to admit the truth about what they felt for each other. Meditating at length on how to handle the situation, Ridge was very hesitant because of the feelings he felt for Taylor and respect towards his father. Brooke was to take the initiative and ask Eric separation, trying not to hurt him and express all the love and gratitude he felt for him. The patriarch of Forrester was sympathetic with his wife, but in his heart he felt dismissed and put aside, banished from the heart of the woman he loved and happy family that he hoped to keep both feet. After much persuasion, managed to persuade Eric Brooke to continue to live for a while 'time, so as to assure Eric Jr serenity and the constant presence of parents. The agreement provided that she could safely attend Ridge. Eric in his heart but was hoped to be able a riconquistare la moglie nel corso di quei mesi di risintonizzazione affettiva, anche se era pronto e quasi rassegnato a lasciarla libera. Per rendere il più pacifico possibile il mènage à trois, Eric una sera invita a cena Ridge nel lussuoso appartamento che divide con Brooke . L'occasione conviviale prende una piega drammatica quando Eric Jr rischia di finire schiacciato da una libreria. Eric non esita a gettarsi per proteggere col proprio corpo il figlioletto, ma viene colpito in testa da una scultura, che gli procura una grossa ferita e immediata perdita di conoscenza. Trasportato d'urgenza in ospedale, Eric scopre di aver perso la vista. Doctors believe that blindness could be temporary and due to trauma, but the prognosis does not melt. Brooke takes care of her husband with sincere devotion, but does not give up the desire to divorce to be with Ridge . The eldest son of Eric instead blizzard. Besides the question of who Brooke and Taylor and the woman who really wants her by his side, is plagued by the fear of mortifying his father. Having seen with his own eyes as he takes his family, after seeing him risk his life to shield the youngest son and after seeing him so helpless and defenseless because of blindness, Ridge wonders whether it is legitimate o crudele portargli via qualcosa che per lui conta così tanto. Nell'arco di poche settimane, Eric recupera la vista ma inizialmente non ne fa cenno con nessuno, per poter essere ancora accudito da Brooke e non perderla. Sally Spectra ( Darlene Conley ) lo scopre, così Eric mette fine alla messinscena preparandosi ad affrontare l'inevitabile dolore che lo aspetta con la separazione dalla moglie.
Brooke è convinta che il destino di lei e Ridge stia per compiersi e il sogno d'amore finalmente avverarsi... (maggio 1992)
... ma Ridge sta facendo l'amore con Heather!
Brooke si prepara a una notte d'amore con Ridge e sta per raggiungerlo...
... ma resta scioccata nel trovarlo a letto con un'altra donna!
Ridge e Heather colti in flagrante a letto insieme
Brooke è ormai convinta di realizzare finalmente il suo sogno d'amore, lungamente atteso. Niente e nessuno può più separare lei e Ridge , il destino sta per compiersi. Ma Ridge , pandering to its nobler instincts, he decided at the last moment to swerve and change direction. Taking one of the biggest decisions of his life, he chooses to waive Brooke and her away from him for ever, hoping to stay with Eric . course that no word or speech could convince her, Ridge goes to the streets of fact to give her a shock that shock and shatter her dreams in one fell swoop. He does not want you think is a form of surrender for the good that he wants his father, because he knows that it would return immediately to the office. Then opts to prove not to be reliable and serious about her, even if it is not true. Only disappoint and ferendola è convinto di riuscire nel suo intento. Distruggendo l'idea che lei ha di lui spera di vederla fare retromarch e tornare da Eric rinunciando al divorzio. Brooke passa alla dependance di villa Forrester , pronta a trasferirsi lì per stare con la sua anima gemella. Ridge ha coreografato tutto alla perfezione per depistarla e ferirla. C'è una bottiglia di champagne in fresco, il caminetto acceso, la porta della camera da letto socchiusa.... Brooke si spoglia per raggiungere l'amato convinta che l'attenda per una notte di passione, la prima di tante, ma entrata nella stanza resta impietrita da quanto vede: Ridge sta facendo l'amore con another woman! The two lovers are caught in the act and jump with a start. Heather ( Shari Shattuck), the blonde and naked female presence devoted to an embrace with Ridge, reacts with embarrassment and discomfort before the invasion of the field of the unknown, while hastening to seek Ridge to calm Logan not to arouse suspicions about his real plan ... plan that will fail, since Brooke transmit into question the extent of the feelings he has for her to meditate and draw closer to Eric. If infidelity had unwittingly undermined the union of Ridge with Caroline , this time the handsome Mascelloni uses such a device to remove the woman who loves him. Ridge, once closed the connection with Brooke , turn the page and take a fundamental decision. Choose to declare his love to Taylor , who closed the door in his face tired of his indecision and his fluctuating relationship with Brook e. Then for part Virgin Islands, where Doctor is on vacation, to surprise her and ask her to marry him, realizing that she is the woman of his life. Later the couple were married, but that day Brooke discovers she is pregnant, which puts it back in pole position to carve out new space in the life of the beloved. The choice made by the fiction writers were brilliant and amazing. The decision to dispense with Ridge Brooke and Taylor to marry was written so as not to perceive sharply than we had in the first act of sacrifice and how much of absolute desire in the second, not by de- clear at that time for anyone's heart beat more Ridge.
Shari Shattuck: from Beautiful to Restless

Abbott's family of the Restless: Jack, Traci and Ashley with his father John (1996)
Cole Howard contended by Victoria Newman and Ashley Abbott (1997)
Known as the wife of Ronn Moss (the two were married from 1989 to 2002), Shari Shattuck is currently a writer for years and gave up a career as an actress. After minor roles in film and TV action movie in 1992 Shari reached her husband on the set of Beautiful to play a few episodes of the soap in the role of Heather , handsome friend Ridge which helps to stage an alleged affair to Brooke away. At the time the pair of actors was at the height of happiness and the link, then crowned by the birth of two daughters, looked very solid. But the real triumph for professional Shari Shattuck happened afterwards, always in a soap license plate Bell . In early 1996 he joined the cast of Restless to interpret Ashley Abbott, after Brenda Epperson aveva lasciato il ruolo per dedicarsi alla carriera musicale. Bionda, bellissima, sbarazzina ma risoluta, Shari si è subito calata bene nei panni della creatrice di cosmetici e presidente della Jabot Cosmetics . Ha convinto i telespettatori sia nell'alchimia con la famiglia televisiva che nelle intricate vicende sentimentali del personaggio. Rimasta nel cast tre anni, la sua Ashley si dimostrò particolarmente manipolatrice e determinata, avviando nel 1997 una relazione con il prestante Cole Howard ( J. Eddie Peck ) e soffiandolo alla consorte Victoria Newman ( Heather Tom ), incinta him. In those years the popularity of the actress has grown enormously in the States, being Restless soap by far the most watched and loved. Almost to the point as to obscure the fame of her husband, who had become Mr. Shari Shattuck . early 1999, after some contractual disagreements, she left Restless to devote himself full time to writing. It seems to date from this period, the first cracks in the couple once so happy, then divorced in 2002. Meanwhile, in the role of Ashley Abbott returned after 10 years of absence, who played the most beloved Eileen Davidson . Ironically, during the period cui Ashley si trasferì a Beautiful (2007-2008), Ridge e Ashley si fidanzarono arrivando a un passo dall'altare. In Italia invece, per colpa di Rete4 , abbiamo visto Shari Shattuck nei panni di Ashley Abbott solo per poche puntate. Con il secondo salto temporale (che ha tagliato tutte le puntate Usa dal gennaio 1994 al novembre 1998), le vicende sono ripartite quando l'attrice era agli ultimi mesi di permanenza nella soap, con un numero esiguo di apparizioni considerato che in quel periodo entrò in pausa maternità dopo la nascita della seconda figlia.
Known as the wife of Ronn Moss (the two were married from 1989 to 2002), Shari Shattuck is currently a writer for years and gave up a career as an actress. After minor roles in film and TV action movie in 1992 Shari reached her husband on the set of Beautiful to play a few episodes of the soap in the role of Heather , handsome friend Ridge which helps to stage an alleged affair to Brooke away. At the time the pair of actors was at the height of happiness and the link, then crowned by the birth of two daughters, looked very solid. But the real triumph for professional Shari Shattuck happened afterwards, always in a soap license plate Bell . In early 1996 he joined the cast of Restless to interpret Ashley Abbott, after Brenda Epperson aveva lasciato il ruolo per dedicarsi alla carriera musicale. Bionda, bellissima, sbarazzina ma risoluta, Shari si è subito calata bene nei panni della creatrice di cosmetici e presidente della Jabot Cosmetics . Ha convinto i telespettatori sia nell'alchimia con la famiglia televisiva che nelle intricate vicende sentimentali del personaggio. Rimasta nel cast tre anni, la sua Ashley si dimostrò particolarmente manipolatrice e determinata, avviando nel 1997 una relazione con il prestante Cole Howard ( J. Eddie Peck ) e soffiandolo alla consorte Victoria Newman ( Heather Tom ), incinta him. In those years the popularity of the actress has grown enormously in the States, being Restless soap by far the most watched and loved. Almost to the point as to obscure the fame of her husband, who had become Mr. Shari Shattuck . early 1999, after some contractual disagreements, she left Restless to devote himself full time to writing. It seems to date from this period, the first cracks in the couple once so happy, then divorced in 2002. Meanwhile, in the role of Ashley Abbott returned after 10 years of absence, who played the most beloved Eileen Davidson . Ironically, during the period cui Ashley si trasferì a Beautiful (2007-2008), Ridge e Ashley si fidanzarono arrivando a un passo dall'altare. In Italia invece, per colpa di Rete4 , abbiamo visto Shari Shattuck nei panni di Ashley Abbott solo per poche puntate. Con il secondo salto temporale (che ha tagliato tutte le puntate Usa dal gennaio 1994 al novembre 1998), le vicende sono ripartite quando l'attrice era agli ultimi mesi di permanenza nella soap, con un numero esiguo di apparizioni considerato che in quel periodo entrò in pausa maternità dopo la nascita della seconda figlia.
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