Wednesday, July 1, 2009
What To Expect Leading Up To Period
Very Important News - June 2009

While there are always more
Airbus plunge (and derail trains), on the other, the planes of the State, are used by our Prime Minister to carry bridesmaids and minstrels doing
precipitate all Italy's credibility abroad but not yet for the Italians that the government even if it happens more often to see the corrupting Arcore challenged.
The misdeeds of piduista
are coming out strongly but only as hardcore photos of Zappadu speak for themselves, the prostitutes on the high board are even more. It is no coincidence that returns
Unfortunately this distance between people and policy allows the caste convicted of being able to write any wickedness in the name of the law. The law on wiretapping ban, if passed, investigators to discover the crimes and punish the criminals also prevent the press to spread news about it. E 'then ready for another law that will prevent you from completing the work speak also of the processes in the past. Silence ... Silvio speaks!
In Italy there is an obscurantist regime and criminal. In fact the criminals are rubbing their hands. In the face of the much-vaunted security we are preparing a jungle of crime.
indifference (abroad in the meantime do nothing but talk of moribund Italy) there is a person, a comedian who tries to do something. It 's the usual Beppe Grillo, who hope to be able to hunt the criminals by the parliament has come up in Senate present a popular law. The chairman should discuss, Carlo Vizzini, look, it is refreshingly cool under investigation for mafia along with the usual Cuffaro and a couple of councilors in Sicily. And if you find the Mafia in Catania right into the rolls of the stadium then Zenga can even go to Palermo to direct route.
meantime become increasingly restricted the friendships of the Premier: Bush is gone, he left half Putin and Gaddafi. The stars suggest a flirtation with Ahmadinejad. He also rigged the elections. Only the people in Iran s'incazza.
In Italy if you watch tv you know nothing, the TG1 for example decided that the Sexgate, the round of coca, the danger to the intrusion of foreign spies in state secrets is just gossip. Maybe ... and then the secret dinner with Berlusconi and Alfano
two judges of the Constitutional Court is also the gossip?
The decision of the Lodo Alfano See where to write that? "Who?"
While in America Michael Jackson dies
, Italy seems to keep pace Moonwalker : walking, but remains firm, rather than back off! Think, is returning even Luciano Moggi series amps! Not to mention
"mortadella" Nino Strano , trumpet but awarded by the European Lombardo and purposes in the county council.
About Lombardo, did you know that he left the MPA? Seems to want to dedicate themselves to the ultimate destruction of Sicily. But we're just falling quiet, mica, we dashed to pieces! You can continue to watch TV blessed. All this and more has happened in the month of June 2009:
Airbus 330 exploded in flight?
At our expense Apicella takes the state aircraft
"Buffone, without trial" in Bari, the briber can not speak
Berlusconi under investigation for flights State
Obama media between Israel and Palestine
Spaniard witnessed a white light on the disaster
released depressed because it is a boss CT!
Le foto di Villa Certosa pubblicate da El Pais
Zenga al Palermo!!??
Ecco chi sta distruggendo l'Amazzonia
Record catanesi
Un terzo di italiani non vota. Perche?
Ancora 11 milioni di italiani rincitrulliti davanti la tv
Metà dei siciliani fanno vincere offenders
Catania 164000 nerds
Caste defends Alfano
Interceptions: 2 and get the Lodo Alfano green light for the crime
Beppe Grillo Senate Commission
A ham sandwich with the Mafia and, thanks
the usual: Cuffaro, Vizzini, Romano and Girdle investigated mafia x
But we want to take it to him citizenship, born in Catania countered Proto?
Made in Italy in garter
The new coach of Catania
Sinking called on wiretapping bill
Berlusconi and Gaddafi: between criminals know sanu feel
The fake marriage Papi
Luckily, in Europe there are at least the Pirates!
Ahmadinejad Silvio new friend?
Paid to attend Gaddafi
close the blog rounds of corrections?
The horned ox says (subversive) ass!
wiretaps from the dreaded leap out partying with girlie
E dopo Noemi adesso parla Patrizia!
Berlusconi piccolo piccolo al cospetto di Obama
La sadomaso Brambilla è un ministro fascista !?
Scandali del Premier: notizie e non-notizie
Chi è Patrizia D'Addario?
Le fobie di Berlusconi al telefono con Ghedini
Berluscopoli: This is the epilogue?
All good reasons not to vote for the referendum
There is a country that starts with "I" where people s'incazza. (Not Italy)
The bidet's final
Pavlova and her daughter
La Villa delle Libertà: ring, trans and coca
ballot: center-back to win
Girls, including foreign , taking pictures inside Villa Certosa
Danger to the nation: some tissues could be explained
Berlusconi & c. cost us 60 billion
The purpose of caiman
L'Espresso lawsuit Berlusconi
Judges Look deal with Berlusconi
Silvio Berlusconi is a bitch
car on fire girl who speaks Papi
Marchionne kills workers in Termini Imerese
Pino Maniaci, of course, acquitted
Fini requires Er Mortadella councilor of the 'autonomous' Lombardo
Honduras: arrestato il Presidente!
Povero Silvio... quantè ingenuo!!
L'ultima barzelletta: Lombardo lascia l'MpA!
Chisti sì ca su Catanisi: ridateci Europa!
Tifosi di tutta Italia get ready: return Moggiopoli!
It's about time! An all cell phone charger x
Berlusconi in Naples and then to Viareggio always contested
tapping: the strike Journalists
Termini Imerese: Fiat workers are still forced to fight
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