Please be advised that he had arranged for Tuesday, August 4 pv-meeting debate "PDCM Ordinance No. 3789: Compensation in support of productive activities as a result of seismic events of 06/04/2009).
The meeting will be held at the establishment GIOELE ITALY Bazzano of Tres Marias in the room from 10:30 .
The program provides after the opening greetings of the President of Confcooperative L'Aquila, Anthony Cerasoli and Confcooperative National Deputy Chairman, Carlo Mitra, relations professionals Aquila, accountant and lawyer Francis Camerini Gianni Leone, the debate with questions of present the conclusions and entrusted al Presidente di Confcooperative Abruzzo, Giampiero Ledda.
Data la rilevanza dell’incontro per il sostegno alle attività produttive dell’Aquila si richiedono la più ampia partecipazione e la massima diffusione dell’evento.
Rimanendo a disposizione insieme ai nostri centri servizi per ulteriori chiarimenti, si porgono cordiali saluti.
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