CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES - XVI LEGISLATURE - Report of the Standing Committee
XIII (Agriculture)
5-01299 Oliver spoke in favor of Abruzzo zootechnical sector hit by recent earthquakes.
Undersecretary Antonio Buonfiglio answered the title in the terms set out in Annex (see Annex 1).
Nicodemo Nazzareno OLIVERI (PD), in response, noted that some strategic sectors of the Abruzzi, and in particular the livestock sector, a sharp pain, they face many problems, aggravated by the consequences of the earthquake.
therefore deemed necessary to establish a table of comparison with the local authorities in order to create the conditions to overcome the emergency and to set about solving the problems created by the earthquake. While acknowledging the impossibility of bringing immediate solution to the various outstanding issues, calls on the Government to endeavor to do so and to act as efficiently as possible.
Question 5-01299 Oliver spoke in favor of Abruzzo zootechnical sector hit by recent earthquakes. Response Text
Regarding the question for written answer given in question, it is the following.
Among the initiatives to address the state of emergency determined by the earthquake of 6 April, 8 April already, this Ministry, with the support of the national rural network, has provided the toll office public relations (URP) to respond to all requests for information from farms affected by the earthquake.
As is known, moreover, April 23, 2009 the Council of Ministers met in extraordinary session on the adoption of intervention measures targeted at areas of the Abruzzo region affected by the earthquake, by adopting the Decree-Law 39 of 2009 then converted by Parliament by Law No. 77, 2009.
This measure, as amended in the course of parliamentary rules has some interest for the agricultural sector, among which include:
the suspension, for all owners of property (agricultural or non-agricultural) included as a taxpayer in a consortium of rehabilitation and falling in the earthquake, from contributions due consortium, with the exception of those due to irrigation works.
The suspension thus work for both the operating costs of institutions for the management of hydraulic works which include primarily the works of drainage and defense;
the suspension of payment of installments of loans and funding of any kind, including agricultural credit operations operation and improvement and ordinary credit;
the prediction of some providence in favor of families, workers and enterprises, including the adoption of special arrangements for the implementation of measures relating to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and rural development programs aimed at anticipating the terms of delivery of the benefits provided , in accordance with the guidelines and within the availability of financial management AGEA;
the distribution of grants, including the manner of the tax credit, for reconstruction or repair of buildings used Non-residential (also for agricultural purposes) destroyed or damaged;
the granting of compensation paid to the activities production who have suffered adverse economic consequences as a result of earthquakes, including those necessary for the repair and reconstruction of movable property destroyed or damaged, the recovery of stocks destroyed or refreshments for damage resulting from the loss of all mobile equipment ' pursuit of providing that such claims do not contribute to the purposes of income tax and regional tax on productive activities;
the possibility of granting free guarantees bank loans for small and medium enterprises, including agricultural producers, the
financing program agreements to be signed with reference to certain sectors, such as is expressly mentioned that food;
the appropriation of 80 million euro, with effect from 1 June 2009 to December 31, 2009, for the continuation of the assistance and activities necessary to overcome the emergency by staff of the Corps firefighters and police, thus including the State Forestry Corps.
Worth finally be noted that this Ministry, as part of the national rural network is activated to start a specific project support to the regional administration. The plan is for the region are paired with a group of experts, is to ensure the full implementation of the Rural Development Plan, both the most efficient design of actions in response to ongoing problems.
During reprogramming of the PSR, as usual, will be the responsibility of the Region to provide for the involvement of all stakeholders, local authorities and trade associations .
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