Friday, July 31, 2009

Generateur De Clé Fsx

Incontro - Dibattito "Indennizzi a sostegno delle attività produttive a seguito degli eventi sismici "

Please be advised that he had arranged for Tuesday, August 4 pv-meeting debate "PDCM Ordinance No. 3789: Compensation in support of productive activities as a result of seismic events of 06/04/2009).

The meeting will be held at the establishment GIOELE ITALY Bazzano of Tres Marias in the room from 10:30 .
The program provides after the opening greetings of the President of Confcooperative L'Aquila, Anthony Cerasoli and Confcooperative National Deputy Chairman, Carlo Mitra, relations professionals Aquila, accountant and lawyer Francis Camerini Gianni Leone, the debate with questions of present the conclusions and entrusted al Presidente di Confcooperative Abruzzo, Giampiero Ledda.

Data la rilevanza dell’incontro per il sostegno alle attività produttive dell’Aquila si richiedono la più ampia partecipazione e la massima diffusione dell’evento.

Rimanendo a disposizione insieme ai nostri centri servizi per ulteriori chiarimenti, si porgono cordiali saluti.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

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Nuova sede Confcooperative L'Aquila

Nei prossimi giorni Confcooperative L'Aquila e le cooperative aquilane , tra le quali quelle che sono attualmente nella Cittadella della Cooperazione, si trasferiranno in una nuova sede sita in Via Aldo Moro, all'altezza dell'incrocio con Via Colle Pretara .

There are work in progress for completion of the building indicated on the map above with the red dot in (A).

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Nuova ordinanza per indennizzi attività production and repair buildings

The Prime Ministers signed two civil protection order that define how to access compensation for productive activities affected by the quake and to repair the buildings severely damaged as a result of usability testing were included in category E (buildings uninhabitable).

In particular to promote economic recovery of affected areas, measures have been granted damages for productive activities.

Compensation, Related to the days of actual business interruption due to earthquake up to a maximum of 120 , are calculated based on average daily gain reported for the previous year.

There are also contributions from the state:

- for the repair of registered personal property (contribution of 75% of expenditure with a ceiling of € 300 thousand),
- for restoration of damaged goods (50%, maximum € 200 thousand) and
- for the restoration of destroyed stock (representing 30% of the purchase price, maximum € 60 thousand).

For access to contributions must be submitted, within 60 days of publication Ordinance No 3789 Official Gazette an application to the Mayor of the City, filling a model that will be available at the premises (even temporary) of the Municipalities, operational centers Mixed and downloadable online at

The City will conduct the 'investigation of the request for access to the contributions and communicate to the citizen, within 30 days of submission of application, any acceptance of an application and quantification of the economic resources allocated.

Monday, July 13, 2009

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QUESTION - Interventions in favor of the zootechnical sector Abruzzo hit by recent earthquakes. Emergency Decree

CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES - XVI LEGISLATURE - Report of the Standing Committee
XIII (Agriculture)


5-01299 Oliver spoke in favor of Abruzzo zootechnical sector hit by recent earthquakes.

Undersecretary Antonio Buonfiglio answered the title in the terms set out in Annex (see Annex 1).
Nicodemo Nazzareno OLIVERI (PD), in response, noted that some strategic sectors of the Abruzzi, and in particular the livestock sector, a sharp pain, they face many problems, aggravated by the consequences of the earthquake.
therefore deemed necessary to establish a table of comparison with the local authorities in order to create the conditions to overcome the emergency and to set about solving the problems created by the earthquake. While acknowledging the impossibility of bringing immediate solution to the various outstanding issues, calls on the Government to endeavor to do so and to act as efficiently as possible.

Question 5-01299 Oliver spoke in favor of Abruzzo zootechnical sector hit by recent earthquakes.
Response Text
Regarding the question for written answer given in question, it is the following.

Among the initiatives to address the state of emergency determined by the earthquake of 6 April, 8 April already, this Ministry, with the support of the national rural network, has provided the toll office public relations (URP) to respond to all requests for information from farms affected by the earthquake.

As is known, moreover, April 23, 2009 the Council of Ministers met in extraordinary session on the adoption of intervention measures targeted at areas of the Abruzzo region affected by the earthquake, by adopting the Decree-Law 39 of 2009 then converted by Parliament by Law No. 77, 2009.
This measure, as amended in the course of parliamentary rules has some interest for the agricultural sector, among which include:
the suspension, for all owners of property (agricultural or non-agricultural) included as a taxpayer in a consortium of rehabilitation and falling in the earthquake, from contributions due consortium, with the exception of those due to irrigation works.
The suspension thus work for both the operating costs of institutions for the management of hydraulic works which include primarily the works of drainage and defense;
the suspension of payment of installments of loans and funding of any kind, including agricultural credit operations operation and improvement and ordinary credit;
the prediction of some providence in favor of families, workers and enterprises, including the adoption of special arrangements for the implementation of measures relating to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and rural development programs aimed at anticipating the terms of delivery of the benefits provided , in accordance with the guidelines and within the availability of financial management AGEA;
the distribution of grants, including the manner of the tax credit, for reconstruction or repair of buildings used Non-residential (also for agricultural purposes) destroyed or damaged;
the granting of compensation paid to the activities production who have suffered adverse economic consequences as a result of earthquakes, including those necessary for the repair and reconstruction of movable property destroyed or damaged, the recovery of stocks destroyed or refreshments for damage resulting from the loss of all mobile equipment ' pursuit of providing that such claims do not contribute to the purposes of income tax and regional tax on productive activities;
the possibility of granting free guarantees bank loans for small and medium enterprises, including agricultural producers, the
financing program agreements to be signed with reference to certain sectors, such as is expressly mentioned that food;
the appropriation of 80 million euro, with effect from 1 June 2009 to December 31, 2009, for the continuation of the assistance and activities necessary to overcome the emergency by staff of the Corps firefighters and police, thus including the State Forestry Corps.

Worth finally be noted that this Ministry, as part of the national rural network is activated to start a specific project support to the regional administration. The plan is for the region are paired with a group of experts, is to ensure the full implementation of the Rural Development Plan, both the most efficient design of actions in response to ongoing problems.
During reprogramming of the PSR, as usual, will be the responsibility of the Region to provide for the involvement of all stakeholders, local authorities and trade associations .

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

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The Official Gazette No OJ 147 of 06.27.2009 was published the Law June 24, 2009, No 77 conversion in Law of Decree-Law of 28 April 2009, n. 39 on emergency assistance for the people affected by the earthquakes in the region of Abruzzo in April 2009 and further emergency measures to protect civil .

The decree passed by the National Parliament, organized as an organic body of rules, is presented as a program to manage all the stages of the emergency to the reconstruction of areas hit by the quake.

Below are the most important points of the measure, which aimed at the resumption of economic and productive activities, involving co-operative enterprises, partners and employees.

It should be noted that firstly, Article 3 provides for the granting of , subsidized loans, tax benefits and compensation, productive activities to

 repair and reconstruction of movable destroyed or damaged;
 restoring stocks destroyed or refreshments for damage resulting from the loss of mobile equipment to perform the activities carried therein;
 refreshments for damage to personal property including unregistered
 damage to structures used in social, cultural, recreational, sports and religious.

Such interventions, in particular, may also relate to property located outside the territories affected by the earthquake, but only in the presence of a direct causal link between the earthquake damage and the event. It 'good to point out that it estimates will not be applied to productive activities che abbiano subito conseguenze economiche sfavorevoli per effetto degli eventi sismici, cui comunque verranno concessi di indennizzi (lettera f). Saranno in ogni caso le successive ordinanza del Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri a definire dettagliatamente i limiti in oggetto.

Viene poi prevista la non concorrenza di tutti i contributi e di tutti gli elencati indennizzi ai fini delle imposte sui redditi e della imposta regionale sulle attività produttive.

All’articolo 6 viene disciplinato il differimento di adempimenti onerosi per le imprese e la sospensione di alcune scadenze fiscali . In particolare viene prorogato il termine di scadenza del Consiglio della Camera di Commercio de L’Aquila. In this regard it is noted that the decree passed in recent days to the Council of Ministers (Decree Law of July 1, 2009, n. 78) Anti-crisis measures and extension of terms and of the Italian participation in international missions, and sent to Parliament for discussion , is expected to initiate the procedures for the renewal of the Chambers of Commerce of the other provinces of Abruzzo is also extended to 2010 and, consequently, the duration of the Councils Chambers currently in office.

Article 8 provides for the adoption of some providence in favor of families, workers and businesses , among which include: 

the extension of the compensation routine unemployment with normal requirements;
 compensation in favor of coordinated and continuous, the holders of relations agency and commercial representation, self-employed workers, including business owners and business professionals, members of any form of compulsory security funds, which have had to suspend activities because of seismic events;
 extended to enterprises and self-employed persons as of April 6, 2009 were assisted by professionals in the municipalities affected by the earthquake of the suspension of the payment of social security contributions and premiums for compulsory insurance against accidents and occupational diseases,
 Non-application of administrative penalties for breaches in respect of employment and tax notices for delayed recruitment, variation and termination of employment, due to make on or after 6 April 2009 to June 30, 2009;
 non-computability in the formulation of the income of the employee benefits of any kind granted by both private employers for workers residing in the municipalities affected;
 the establishment of special modes of implementation measures concerning the common agricultural policy (CAP) and rural development programs aimed at anticipating terms of delivery of the benefits provided.

E 'was then introduced the possibility, by CIPE, to identify urban zones to be covered by tax breaks and tax in favor of small and medium-sized enterprises, such as: the exemptions for micro and small businesses, starting a new business in January 2008 and December 2012, from income tax for the first five tax years or IRAP, ICI, or the payment of contributions on wages.

Lastly, Article 10, which is intended to establish forms of relief for the economic and social development, including through the provision of appropriate guarantees for small and medium-sized enterprises , and the destination of the Fund's strategic resources for the country to support operations and re-industrialization.

As known, the detailed provisions of the decree-law will be implemented through successive orders of the Prime Minister.

For further information and updates please refer to the following email addresses:;

Thursday, July 2, 2009

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Youth League Titles 2009: results

Si sono concluse le Nella categoria delle
La Sicilia si stopped in the semifinals with the youngest of Gaetano Rizzo, and only in the first round for students. These are all the results of yellow and red:
Monday, 22/06, Belper: -Liguria Sicily
(Juniors 2-2) (0-2 students) Tuesday, 23/06, Taormina: -Molise Sicily

(Juniors 0-2)
(students 1-3) Wednesday, 24/06, Paternò: Abruzzo, Sicily (Juniors 0-2)
(students 0-5) Semifinal Sunday, 28/06, Belper: Friuli-Sicily (Goivanissimi) 2-2 (DTR) 7-6 (dcr)
These other matches played at Aci S. Antonio: Sunday, 21/06: Basilicata-Sydney

(Juniors 0-2) (students 1-4)

Monday, 22/06:
Sardinia and Umbria (Juniors 1-0) (2-1 students) Tuesday, 23/06: -Veneto Campania
(Juniors 0-1) (students 1-0)
Wednesday, 24/06: -Piemonte Puglia (Juniors 0-2) (Students 1-2)
As for the club tournaments champions Italy, among the professionals, are the Mezzocorona
for Cadet el '
Olbia Calcio for young people. PRO LEAGUE Final Students-Tuesday, June 30 MEZZOCORONA - Vibo Valentia 6-4 dcr (1-1 dtr) (the municipal stadium of Aci S. Antonio) Finale Juniors-Tuesday, June 30

(the municipal stadium of Aci S. Antonio) among amateurs are Champions of Italy the Tor di Quinto

's Inter Academy coached by Beppe Bergomi

for Cadet and Nuova Tor Tre Teste youngsters. This game played at Aci S. Antonio: First Day Students-Friday, June 26 Tor di Quinto - San Remo Ospedaletti 2-0 (the municipal stadium of Aci S. Antonio) Mayor Cutuli Alderman Santamaria have commented:

"The sports facility santantonese once again has proved its worth and can accommodate national caliber events and more. "
For completeness we must say that the sports santantonese was chosen to host two of the four finals for the club, especially because it has
four locker rooms for teams.

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Extension Chambers of Commerce

DECREE-LAW July 1, 2009, No 78
Anti-crisis measures, as well as' extension of the time and the Italian participation in international missions.

Article 23. Extension of terms

15. In order to facilitate the resumption of activity '
in areas affected by the earthquake of 6 April 2009, the initiation of procedures for the renewal
bodies of chambers of commerce, industry,
trade, agriculture Abruzzo, referred to Ministerial Decree
July 24, 1996, No 501, and 'extended to April 30, 2010, with the consequent
extension of the deadline of the bodies of the Chambers of Commerce

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

What To Expect Leading Up To Period

What's going on? (06/09)

Very Important News - June 2009
precipitate BLESSED The information that you do not deceive with the Securities de ilCasalotto

While there are always more

Airbus plunge (and derail trains), on the other, the planes of the State, are used by our Prime Minister to carry bridesmaids and minstrels doing
precipitate all Italy's credibility abroad but not yet for the Italians that the government even if it happens more often to see the corrupting Arcore challenged.
The misdeeds of piduista
are coming out strongly but only as hardcore photos of Zappadu speak for themselves, the prostitutes on the high board are even more. It is no coincidence that returns
ministry of tourism as a garter. The European elections and the administration, meanwhile emphasized even more how people are far from this world of promise and paiette. Not only turnout but also wants to be different, the referendum confirms this: you can not do all Italians a bundle (or two)!
Unfortunately this distance between people and policy allows the caste convicted of being able to write any wickedness in the name of the law. The law on wiretapping ban, if passed, investigators to discover the crimes and punish the criminals also prevent the press to spread news about it. E 'then ready for another law that will prevent you from completing the work speak also of the processes in the past. Silence ... Silvio speaks!

In Italy there is an obscurantist regime and criminal. In fact the criminals are rubbing their hands. In the face of the much-vaunted security we are preparing a jungle of crime.

indifference (abroad in the meantime do nothing but talk of moribund Italy) there is a person, a comedian who tries to do something. It 's the usual Beppe Grillo, who hope to be able to hunt the criminals by the parliament has come up in Senate present a popular law. The chairman should discuss, Carlo Vizzini, look, it is refreshingly cool under investigation for mafia along with the usual Cuffaro and a couple of councilors in Sicily. And if you find the Mafia in Catania right into the rolls of the stadium then Zenga can even go to Palermo to direct route.

meantime become increasingly restricted the friendships of the Premier: Bush is gone, he left half Putin and Gaddafi. The stars suggest a flirtation with Ahmadinejad. He also rigged the elections. Only the people in Iran s'incazza.

In Italy if you watch tv you know nothing, the TG1 for example decided that the Sexgate, the round of coca, the danger to the intrusion of foreign spies in state secrets is just gossip. Maybe ... and then the secret dinner with Berlusconi and Alfano
two judges of the Constitutional Court is also the gossip?
The decision of the Lodo Alfano See where to write that? "Who?"

While in America Michael Jackson dies

, Italy seems to keep pace Moonwalker : walking, but remains firm, rather than back off! Think, is returning even Luciano Moggi series amps! Not to mention
"mortadella" Nino Strano , trumpet but awarded by the European Lombardo and purposes in the county council.

About Lombardo, did you know that he left the MPA? Seems to want to dedicate themselves to the ultimate destruction of Sicily. But we're just falling quiet, mica, we dashed to pieces! You can continue to watch TV blessed. All this and more has happened in the month of June 2009:

Brusca has not yet made the name of political

Airbus 330 exploded in flight?
At our expense Apicella takes the state aircraft

"Buffone, without trial" in Bari, the briber can not speak

Berlusconi under investigation for flights State

Obama media between Israel and Palestine
Spaniard witnessed a white light on the disaster

released depressed because it is a boss CT!

Le foto di Villa Certosa pubblicate da El Pais

Zenga al Palermo!!??
Ecco chi sta distruggendo l'Amazzonia

Record catanesi

Un terzo di italiani non vota. Perche?

Ancora 11 milioni di italiani rincitrulliti davanti la tv
Metà dei siciliani fanno vincere offenders

Catania 164000 nerds

Caste defends Alfano

Interceptions: 2 and get the Lodo Alfano green light for the crime
Beppe Grillo Senate Commission

A ham sandwich with the Mafia and, thanks

the usual: Cuffaro, Vizzini, Romano and Girdle investigated mafia x

But we want to take it to him citizenship, born in Catania countered Proto?
Made in Italy in garter

The new coach of Catania

Sinking called on wiretapping bill

Berlusconi and Gaddafi: between criminals know sanu feel
The fake marriage Papi

Luckily, in Europe there are at least the Pirates!

Ahmadinejad Silvio new friend?

Paid to attend Gaddafi
close the blog rounds of corrections?

The horned ox says (subversive) ass!

wiretaps from the dreaded leap out partying with girlie

E dopo Noemi adesso parla Patrizia!
Berlusconi piccolo piccolo al cospetto di Obama

La sadomaso Brambilla è un ministro fascista !?

Scandali del Premier: notizie e non-notizie

Chi è Patrizia D'Addario?
Le fobie di Berlusconi al telefono con Ghedini

Berluscopoli: This is the epilogue?

All good reasons not to vote for the referendum

There is a country that starts with "I" where people s'incazza. (Not Italy)

The bidet's final

Pavlova and her daughter

La Villa delle Libertà: ring, trans and coca

Barbara tells Villa Certosa

For TG the case Berlusconi does not exist

Meanwhile, L 'Eagle cries

Referendum fails bipartisanship

ballot: center-back to win

Girls, including foreign , taking pictures inside Villa Certosa
Danger to the nation: some tissues could be explained

intercepted the Premier who groped

Berlusconi & c. cost us 60 billion
The purpose of caiman

L'Espresso lawsuit Berlusconi

Michael Jackson is dead!

Judges Look deal with Berlusconi
Silvio Berlusconi is a bitch

car on fire girl who speaks Papi

Obama for the first time the U.S. help the 'environment!

Marchionne kills workers in Termini Imerese
Pino Maniaci, of course, acquitted

Fini requires Er Mortadella councilor of the 'autonomous' Lombardo

Il Governo Iraniano piscia fuori dal rinale!

Honduras: arrestato il Presidente!
Povero Silvio... quantè ingenuo!!

L'ultima barzelletta: Lombardo lascia l'MpA!

Una legge per perdere la memoria!

Chisti sì ca su Catanisi: ridateci Europa!
Tifosi di tutta Italia get ready: return Moggiopoli!

It's about time! An all cell phone charger x

Hell Viareggio

Berlusconi in Naples and then to Viareggio always contested
tapping: the strike Journalists

Termini Imerese: Fiat workers are still forced to fight

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