2009 to 2009 European
These were the European Union on the results of 15 seats Aci S. Antonio :
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
What Episode Does Vegeta Tell Bulma He Loves Her
Results 2009 European Aci S. Antonio (CT)
Decline in turnout since the last EU-wide consultation in 2004: from 63.3% 
Half of the residents of Aci Sant'Antonio did not go to the polls, surely a few to many rather for lack of interest and ideology. This figure confirms the strong distrust of the Italians against the political class.
As for the ratings to list the santantonesi see how they voted. The first finding COMPLAINT eaten the most votes is that the party is not the corrupter of the PDL
but the odd couple Lombardo- Storace (plus two minor parties) that wins at Aci S. Antonio well 2,234 votes. This
is in contrast with national results where '
does not count (the average is 2.22%). In fact, the psycho-political Lombardo has been strongest in the province of Catania, the one that destroyed most of its management with patronage. ( applies spirtanza catanisi
! ). But let's move on to second place because there is "
popes." 2171 viewers santantonesi still have not realized that the prime minister is a criminal and still consider a politician. The anomaly Italiot!
the third posto troviamo l'unico partito di centrosinistra rappresentato ad Aci S.Antonio: il
PD . Ha preso 1063 voti, sicuramente grazie a personalitĂ come Rita Borsellino
Rosario Crocetta , persone stimabilissime e di cui ci si può fidare ma proprio per questo non si capisce che ci facciano nel PD. Fortunatamente andranno al
Parlamento Europeo . Almeno loro. 414 nostalgici della Balena Bianca sono invece riusciti a dare il voto all' UdC del condannato Cuffaro . Mentre
elettori hanno seguito l'onda nazionale of 'Italy of Values \u200b\u200b probably are those that inform most of the Internet. And I'm 216 those who demonstrate that even at Aci S. Antonio there is a desire of the true left, but, criminally divided into 2 parts,
Rifondazione (111 ) and Left and Freedom (105), remains well out of Europe. The fault is the dam of 4% wanted to be with Berlusconi Veltroni. Some Radical at Aci S. Antonio and in fact there has always been 87 voters have satisfied the poor Pannella and Bonino but did not pass the barrier.
E 'instead of worrying, if limited, advanced Nazi-fascist with the consent of 79 voters santantonesi to Fiamma Tricolore. For them, time seems to have past (or maybe I'm too young). 4 also enhanced even voted the Northern League ! Finally 13 people gave a vote
nor meat, nor to piss
Liberal . pereferenze But we must look mainly because unlike the political, where the names are made by the parties, Here, the MEPs are directly elected by citizens.
Unfortunately, most do not seem to have understood anything about this election, it was the first of santantonesi Raffaele Lombardo with 1,451 votes. One that would not have ever gone to the European Parliament because he was appointed President of the Sicilian Region, the workers also so scandalously indecent
. However, all the votes thrown away because Lumbard in Italy has only reached 2.22%. Second place went to Nello Musumeci with 1,251 votes. Same improbable coalition, the same futility vote. Musumeci who had lost his seat in the European Parliament. Continue to make the adviser in the town of Catania. Third place they give 944 IGNORANT to
Silvio Berlusconi. The nearly 1000 couch potatoes do not realize that their vote goes to someone who will never go to the European Parliament (Chairman of the Board, unfortunately!) And that also is the largest Italian criminal known throughout the world. Urge
a mandatory medical treatment !
Other santantonesi elected agriculture commissioner found the horn Lombardo, Giovanni La Via . The 766 votes to contribute Aci S. Antonio to do so go to Strasbourg. There will be other former aldermen instead regional The Mount Caramel with 362 votes and Roberto Di Mauro with 203.
But as mentioned above are well known names and clean as those of
Rita Borsellino (657 votes) and the Crocetta
(433 votes). The two Sicilian antimafia doc, advocated by
, will be part of the few Italian MEPs leading battles right in Europe. Italo Tripi (234 ) instead it was exceeded by trecastagnese John Barbagallo ( 256), but neither is the past. Fortunately the 377 votes cast in the mortadella Nino Strano were not enough to export one of the most sinister and sad figure the collapse of Catania. Skip instead Saverio Romano, who had said recently to be regretted in Lombardy Region
candidate. This has been to have convinced voters 247 santantonesi? Or being investigated
for collusion with the Mafia? Who knows? In fact, he is also not compatible because Ars MP and gives way to Antonello Antinoro ( already under investigation for vote trading ) by 154 votes. UDC = Union of the condemned. In defiance of Caselli, then, 115 Wait managed to give a vote even a buffoon like indescribable Vittorio Sgarbi . Things are different for those who voted IDV. They preferred
Antonio Di Pietro (95), which will give way to the general prosecutor Luigi De Magistris
(48) and the brave
Sonia Alfano (43). Both with the two Democratic Party will fight hard to the Mafia directly from Europe. The former mayor of Palermo Leoluca Orlando instead took 41 votes. Good Claudio Fava deserved albeit taking 64 votes could not be confirmed in Europe, because the division of the left parties. Niki Vendola
(23) should know. And there is even the luminary
Margherita Hack
too few of the 33 votes santantonesi. The last curiosity: 8 votes went to the Sardinian Cuccureddu . Juventus fans who thought they vote for their old idol? In short, the end for the best European representatives will santantonesi: Luigi De Magistris, Sonia Alfano, Rita Borsellino e Rosario Crocetta . Bendiamoci gli occhi sugli altri e speriamo bene. E secondo voi come hanno votato i santantonesi?
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As for the ratings to list the santantonesi see how they voted. The first finding COMPLAINT eaten the most votes is that the party is not the corrupter of the PDL
but the odd couple Lombardo- Storace (plus two minor parties) that wins at Aci S. Antonio well 2,234 votes. This
is in contrast with national results where '
does not count (the average is 2.22%). In fact, the psycho-political Lombardo has been strongest in the province of Catania, the one that destroyed most of its management with patronage. ( applies spirtanza catanisi

popes." 2171 viewers santantonesi still have not realized that the prime minister is a criminal and still consider a politician. The anomaly Italiot!

PD . Ha preso 1063 voti, sicuramente grazie a personalitĂ come Rita Borsellino

Parlamento Europeo . Almeno loro. 414 nostalgici della Balena Bianca sono invece riusciti a dare il voto all' UdC del condannato Cuffaro . Mentre
elettori hanno seguito l'onda nazionale of 'Italy of Values \u200b\u200b probably are those that inform most of the Internet. And I'm 216 those who demonstrate that even at Aci S. Antonio there is a desire of the true left, but, criminally divided into 2 parts,
Rifondazione (111 ) and Left and Freedom (105), remains well out of Europe. The fault is the dam of 4% wanted to be with Berlusconi Veltroni. Some Radical at Aci S. Antonio and in fact there has always been 87 voters have satisfied the poor Pannella and Bonino but did not pass the barrier.
E 'instead of worrying, if limited, advanced Nazi-fascist with the consent of 79 voters santantonesi to Fiamma Tricolore. For them, time seems to have past (or maybe I'm too young). 4 also enhanced even voted the Northern League ! Finally 13 people gave a vote
nor meat, nor to piss
Liberal . pereferenze But we must look mainly because unlike the political, where the names are made by the parties, Here, the MEPs are directly elected by citizens.
Unfortunately, most do not seem to have understood anything about this election, it was the first of santantonesi Raffaele Lombardo with 1,451 votes. One that would not have ever gone to the European Parliament because he was appointed President of the Sicilian Region, the workers also so scandalously indecent
. However, all the votes thrown away because Lumbard in Italy has only reached 2.22%. Second place went to Nello Musumeci with 1,251 votes. Same improbable coalition, the same futility vote. Musumeci who had lost his seat in the European Parliament. Continue to make the adviser in the town of Catania. Third place they give 944 IGNORANT to
Silvio Berlusconi. The nearly 1000 couch potatoes do not realize that their vote goes to someone who will never go to the European Parliament (Chairman of the Board, unfortunately!) And that also is the largest Italian criminal known throughout the world. Urge

Other santantonesi elected agriculture commissioner found the horn Lombardo, Giovanni La Via . The 766 votes to contribute Aci S. Antonio to do so go to Strasbourg. There will be other former aldermen instead regional The Mount Caramel with 362 votes and Roberto Di Mauro with 203.

Rita Borsellino (657 votes) and the Crocetta
(433 votes). The two Sicilian antimafia doc, advocated by

candidate. This has been to have convinced voters 247 santantonesi? Or being investigated

for collusion with the Mafia? Who knows? In fact, he is also not compatible because Ars MP and gives way to Antonello Antinoro ( already under investigation for vote trading ) by 154 votes. UDC = Union of the condemned. In defiance of Caselli, then, 115 Wait managed to give a vote even a buffoon like indescribable Vittorio Sgarbi . Things are different for those who voted IDV. They preferred
Antonio Di Pietro (95), which will give way to the general prosecutor Luigi De Magistris
(48) and the brave

(23) should know. And there is even the luminary

too few of the 33 votes santantonesi. The last curiosity: 8 votes went to the Sardinian Cuccureddu . Juventus fans who thought they vote for their old idol? In short, the end for the best European representatives will santantonesi: Luigi De Magistris, Sonia Alfano, Rita Borsellino e Rosario Crocetta . Bendiamoci gli occhi sugli altri e speriamo bene. E secondo voi come hanno votato i santantonesi?
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