Fon.Coop The Board of Directors in assessing the impact that the publication of the new alert has been cooperative in the world and between the member companies in particular, in relation to the evolution of the economic crisis in act, thought desirable to make changes to the news 9 and 11, as outlined below.
Fon.Coop's Board of Directors, dated May 27, 2009, extended to also access the Notice nine companies that have applied for or receiving social security benefits (normal or exception) for their workers. These companies will then submit a request for assistance provided that the beneficiaries of the training for which employees are: •
not been applied for access to social security benefits (normal or exception);
social safety nets have not been activated ( ordinary or waiver). Therefore, a facsimile will be amended
Annex 3 of the 9 "Declaration of the recipient." NOTICE
Fon.Coop's Board of Directors, on June 10, 2009, noted that the procedures carried out by State, Regions and INPS for the request and the obtaining of social safety nets are not in derogation yet been activated. These procedures, along with those for ordinary shocks, are the main condition for access to funding under the alert 11.
E 'also known that most companies will use cooperatives especially in derogation of social safety nets to counter the crisis.
To allow all the member companies have equal access, the Board has determined that the allocation of resources and the deadlines for submitting applications for assistance in respect of the alert 11 will be amended as follows:
the resources of the end of June 25 are reduced by 50% and intended to fund training plans of companies that currently use or have applied for regular unemployment benefits, the deadline of June 25 remains valid and
the remaining 50% of the resources is combined with that provided by the second deadline,
the second scheduled for September 7 is extended to 21 September.
The changes announced will be posted here in the text of 9 and 11 of the Notice published on www.foncoop.coop
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