Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Primus Gas Shower Instructions

referendum failed. Porcellum boiled.

tre quesiti del referendum elettorale , come era prevedibile, è stata molto bassa: il 23% circa. E' il
record negativo italiano
dal 1946 ad oggi. Dissafezione ai referendum? Menefreghismo? Ignoranza? Sfiducia? Periodo estivo inoltrato? Qualunque sia il motivo della debacle bisogna purtroppo dire che questo referendum era abbastanza inutile se non ulteriormente dannoso se avesse vinto il sì nei primi due quesiti. La legge Porcellum è una porcata e una porcata sarebbe rimasta. Non è bello disertare un referendum perchè è lo strumento più democratico che esista, dove il cittadino non delega nessuno per prendere le sue decisioni su argomenti importanti. But the only important question was not against this crap in this consultation: the reintroduction of
to preferences. The absence of preferences in the last two

policies, and we savor the European Parliament
brought in people like Scapagnini
and Cuffaro without them Italians have voted . For those, if you did not think Mariotto Segni , fortunately it did Beppe Grillo in his first VDay

that just a few days ago been received in the Senate to present his referendum, called Clean Parliament. Now that will need to be voted in order to overcome the quorum of 50% that now seems quite high. Minister Maroni announced just yesterday want to lower the quorum but to do what is necessary to touch the Constitution and frankly it would be better that these criminals who sit in Parliament today do not. You never know, there is little trust Mafiosi, friends of the mafia, corrupt and can ** Anier. Meanwhile in Aci Sant'Antonio
turnout was very lower than the national average: 13.9% -14% . In line with the average Sicilian .
people, we, the majority does not feel a civic duty, there is the sense of the institution and rights. The many who did not go to vote as they did because they did not agree but just because they do not give a damn ... always know if what you're talking about.

There 'a

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