was held Friday, October 23, 2009 L'Aquila, at the new headquarters of Confcooperative the Eagle, the first seminar on "social and notwithstanding", planned by Confcooperative Abruzzo in collaboration with national and Coop Form Partnership with the regional Social Security.
The meeting was attended by the Deputy Regional Director of INPS, Francesco Liberati.
Excellent participation of cooperatives in the initiative.
The next seminars will be held on the following dates: 11/06/2009
the in Teramo, Chieti
13/11/2009, 11/27/2009
in Pescara.
9:30 am Presentation of the seminar. Illustration of the situation in the various provincial co-operative sector Basic data on companies in crisis or difficulty President Confcooperative Abruzzo - Giampiero Ledda
10:15 am The general legislation and its applicability to the cooperative form . The institutions required by our regulations (temporary layoffs, CIG, CIGS, solidarity contracts, mobility)
Service Auditors Confcooperative National
11:30 am Coffee Break 12:00 am
social safety nets and the framework agreement in derogation Abruzzo Region
Department Labor Abruzzo The administrative and operational requirements for the activation of individual institutions
Inps Abruzzo
HOURS AT 13:30 Lunch 15:00 Presentations by participants
PM 16:00 PM 17:00
Expert Answers initiatives Confcooperative President Confcooperative Abruzzo L'Aquila - Abruzzo Anthony Cerasoli Confcooperative Director - Joseph D'Alessandro
17:30 Conclusions
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