L'Aquila, 5 October - On September 29 they have signed a an Order in Council of Ministers (n.3813), which sets out further action in favor of the Abruzzo region hit by the earthquake of April 6 2009.
These main themes:
Full coverage of the restructuring costs of condominiums
The building administrator may request the assistance of concessionary financing for homes B, C and E to cover the cost of the interventions on the structures, including the 'adaptation of sanitary and restore exterior architectural elements, including external finishes and the common parts of the whole building (Article 7).
Facilities for the leases
subsidy or loan contracts to rent subsidy or loan agreements pursuant to art. Ordinance No 11 3754 April 9, 2009 are exempt from all tax and law. For those already stipulated to the entry into force of this ordinance, the deadline for registration is suspended until November 30, 2009. In addition, the taxable income accrues to the owner is reduced by 30%. (Article 5)
MAP - Forms
temporary housing will be the mayors of the municipalities where the modules are built temporary housing - MAP to carry out interventions infrastrutturali e di mitigazione del rischio necessari per i nuovi insediamenti. Per le spese valutate in 500.000 euro si provvede con il fondo trasferito alla Protezione Civile.Per la realizzazione dei MAP è sufficiente una comunicazione di avvenuta approvazione del progetto (art. 2).
Sarà compito dei Sindaci dei comuni interessati assegnare ai nuclei familiari i MAP - Moduli Abitativi Provvisori, sulla base dei criteri definiti precedentemente dall’autorità comunale. Chi avrà assegnato un MAP, non potrà più usufruire del Contributo di Autonoma Sistemazione - CAS né alloggiare gratuitamente nelle strutture messe a disposizione dal commissario delegato (art. 9).
Contributi e indennizzi per gli orfani di genitori
victims of the earthquake orphans of one or both parents died from the earthquake may use the contribution or compensation payable to the deceased parent (art. 8)
School and University
The € 19.4 million allocated Ministry of Education's budget for 2009 will be used for schools damaged by the earthquake. In addition, the Ministry is authorized to receive donations from abroad in favor of schools and the University of L'Aquila for the restoration of teaching (Article 4).
The President of the Abruzzo region and will provide services to facilitate the movement of students in schools and University of L'Aquila in Abruzzo under (Article 11).
Extension of seasonal labor relations for hoteliers Hoteliers
that temporarily house people displaced by the earthquake are authorized to extend the working relationship with pitches up to the end of the emergency at its own expense. (Article 6)
inert waste recovery systems for recovery of inert waste will also be made in authorized areas to mining activities within the region Abruzzo (Art. 3). The recovery of waste will begin with the submission of the communication di inizio attività. Tali impianti dovranno presentare la richiesta di “verifica di assoggettabilità” per la procedura di Valutazione di Impatto ambientale. (art. 3)
Convenzioni con Consip
Per assicurare omogeneità di gestione e manutenzione delle strutture temporanee realizzate sul territorio abruzzese il Dipartimento della Protezione Civile può ricorrere alle convenzioni stipulate dalla Consip - Concessionaria Servizi Informativi Pubblici S.p.A. - per l’acquisizione di lavori, beni e servizi a favore delle popolazioni colpite dal terremoto (art. 10)
Abruzzo Engineering
Per gli interventi di assistenza in favore delle popolazioni colpite dagli eventi sismici the province of L'Aquila Abruzzo Engineering scpa may use up to a maximum of € 300,000 (art. 1).
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