Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Thick Mucus At 37 Weeks


was held Friday, October 23, 2009 L'Aquila, at the new headquarters of Confcooperative the Eagle, the first seminar on "social and notwithstanding", planned by Confcooperative Abruzzo in collaboration with national and Coop Form Partnership with the regional Social Security.

The meeting was attended by the Deputy Regional Director of INPS, Francesco Liberati.

Excellent participation of cooperatives in the initiative.

The next seminars will be held on the following dates: 11/06/2009
the in Teramo, Chieti
13/11/2009, 11/27/2009
in Pescara.


9:30 am Presentation of the seminar. Illustration of the situation in the various provincial co-operative sector Basic data on companies in crisis or difficulty President Confcooperative Abruzzo - Giampiero Ledda

10:15 am The general legislation and its applicability to the cooperative form . The institutions required by our regulations (temporary layoffs, CIG, CIGS, solidarity contracts, mobility)
Service Auditors Confcooperative National

11:30 am Coffee Break 12:00 am

social safety nets and the framework agreement in derogation Abruzzo Region
Department Labor Abruzzo The administrative and operational requirements for the activation of individual institutions
Inps Abruzzo

HOURS AT 13:30 Lunch 15:00 Presentations by participants
PM 16:00 PM 17:00
Expert Answers initiatives Confcooperative President Confcooperative Abruzzo L'Aquila - Abruzzo Anthony Cerasoli Confcooperative Director - Joseph D'Alessandro
17:30 Conclusions

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Can You Fit A Mattress In A Grand Caravan

20 ottobre: Inaugurata la nuova sede CCI a L'Aquila

October 20: New headquarters CCI in L'Aquila. Marino 'social value and economic cooperation for the resumption of territorio».

« Una situazione come quella aquilana, in cui alla tragedia umana si aggiunge anche la crisi economica, è una occasione per evidenziare qual è il ruolo e la funzione della cooperazione e delle Bcc per un territorio. Le banche devono assistere le piccole e medie imprese, che rappresentano la ricchezza del nostro paese, non con interventi a pioggia, ma favorendo la costituzione di un modello di impresa efficiente e capitalizzata ». Con queste affermazioni il presidente nazionale di Confcooperative, Luigi Marino, ha inaugurato oggi la nuova sede di Confcooperative L’Aquila.

Marino è tornato a parlare anche della costituzione della Banca del Mezzogiorno, « in which the Cooperative Credit will have a decisive role. " The new house of Aquila cooperation - is a structure that will house 600 square meters, more than 20 cooperatives remained without a home after the earthquake in April.

" The same mechanisms of the Bank of the South - said president of Confcooperative - should apply to L'Aquila and Abruzzo: we need a" elevator company ", that will help companies to grow from small to medium and medium to large. Only then will compete in the new global system. "

The opening ceremony of the new headquarters of L'Aquila Confcooperative was opened by the blessing of Metropolitan Archbishop of Aquila Monsignor Giuseppe Molinari. The speakers, as well as national vice-president and commissioner for the reconstruction of Charles Confcooperative Mitra, President of Abruzzo Confcooperative giampiero Ledda, the mayor of L'Aquila Cialente Massimo, president of the Province, Stefania Pezzopane and regional president, Gianni Chiodi, which called for the resumption of co-operative enterprises Aquila, which will be called upon to manage and ensure the new services in this delicate phase of transition.

"In January 2009 Confcooperative L'Aquila has made 60 years - said Anthony Cerasoli, president of Confcooperative L'Aquila - This opening has the feel of a new beginning, and after many moments of sadness has arrived a day of hope. "


aftermath of the earthquake COMMITTEE OF THE NATIONAL FUND OF EQUALIZATION Confcooperative allocates EUR 50,000 for the needs. For the first emergence of cooperatives and their members was inaugurated on 4 May, the Citadel of cooperation (in Acquasanta). The area is served during these months (7 containers and 20 workstations) to offer a host of operational and community enterprises that have lost Aquila the place because of quake.
RI.FORMA project - reconstruct forms

Through Fon.Coop (Joint National Fund for Interprofessional continuing education cooperatives participated and promoted also by Confcooperative) would contribute to the reconstruction of social and human capital in the affected areas with a budget will be € 230,000 launched a plan of support to cooperatives as follows: - Training for qualified social cooperatives. - Path of psycho-social support aimed at associates and employees of cooperatives. - Training of youth for development and recovery of the economy.
3. CREDIT COOPERATIVE BANK OF ROME, this L 'Aquila in the territories affected by the earthquake with six agencies, ha costituito un plafond di 30 milioni di euro per finanziamenti a imprese e attività professionali finalizzati ad affrontare l'emergenza. Il plafond prevede fino a 15mila euro a tasso zero e rimborso in tre anni a partire dal secondo anno. Inoltre la banca ha deciso un finanziamento di sussistenza, riservato ai soli soci di zona della cooperativa bancaria, per coloro che hanno i flussi di reddito interrotti a causa del terremoto.

4. Il Municipio dell’Aquila e la Torre civica saranno ricostruiti grazie all’intervento delle Banche di Credito Cooperativo italiane. A sei mesi esatti dal sisma, sono 5 i milioni di euro raccolti dal Credito Cooperativo.

La macchina della solidarietà:
In order to help all the cooperators and cooperatives of the area affected by the earthquake has created a committee, or a network of solidarity between all members of the system, so get in touch through the blog and who those who need something to offer.

The current account of the Committee at the Bank of Credit Cooperative Abruzzese - Bcc Cappelle sul Tavo - Branch Pescara Porta Nuova. The details of the C / C of the Committee are: IBAN IT68Z084341540100000000500BIC/SWIFTICRAITRCC20

The movements are banking on the website:

Thanks to the solidarity dei cittadini la raccolta sfiora il tetto dei 100.000 euro

Friday, October 16, 2009

Should You Do A Brazilian

La nuova “casa” delle cooperative dell'Aquila

La nuova “casa” delle cooperative dell'Aquila:
Confcooperative investe 300mila euro per progetti di sviluppo e ammortizzatori sociali

Inaugura Luigi Marino presidente nazionale Confcooperative

L’Aquila, 16 ottobre - Si terrà martedì prossimo, 20 ottobre, alle ore 11.00, in Via Aldo Moro 33 a L'Aquila, l'inaugurazione della nuova sede di Confcooperative. La cerimonia inaugurale della nuova sede di Confcooperative L'Aquila sarà aperta dalla benedizione dell'arcivescovo Aquila Metropolitan Archbishop Giuseppe Molinari. Inaugurated the headquarters Luigi Marino, President of National Confcooperative. For the civil authorities will intervene Mayor Massimo Cialente, the President of the Province, Stefania Pezzopane and regional president, Gianni Chiodi.

president Confcooperative Luigi Marino highlight the role of cooperation and its response to the crisis, the importance given to the person in the cooperative business model and in this next investment Confcooperative in L'Aquila for about € 300 thousand . Budget concentrated on development projects and social safety nets.

"The new home of cooperation Aquila - Cerasoli says Anthony, president of Confcooperative L'Aquila - is a structure that will house 600 square meters, more than 20 cooperatives remained without a home after the earthquake in April. The same cooperative Confcooperative which had already ensured the functionality of the mobile facilities by opening offices in the citadel of Cooperation.

"The inauguration of the new - says Carlo Mitra, deputy chairman and national emergency coordinator Confcooperative Confcooperative L'Aquila - is for the system and all cooperators

an important turning point in the work of the day of the quake, with great effort and willpower, was conducted to restore the operating conditions of cooperatives and their members and hence an important part of Aquila. "

"The inauguration of this new home of cooperation Aquila - concludes Giampiero Ledda, regional president Confcooperative - is not a point of arrival for the system, but only starting from today our efforts will be spent to understand what role can have cooperatives in the reconstruction, to share this important area and along the local economy. "

Press Confcooperative Abruzzo

Stefano Cianciotta 339-1221291 333-9659997
Barbara Gambacorta

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Compustar Remote Start Reset Instructions

Camera, passa all'unanimità la mozione per l'Abruzzo

ROME - On the motion of the Chamber of the House unanimously united on measures for the earthquake victims in Abruzzo. The text commits the Government, inter alia, to report on the implementation of the overall housing reconstruction and to continue the action for support and reconstruction along the lines already programmed to determine, consistent with the needs of public finance, the ability to take action to extend the period of compensation to holders of production activities suspended for the earthquake and to take initiatives to extend the suspension of payment of taxes and contributions , accelerate, always compatible with the objectives of public finance, the reconstruction of historic centers, in particular that of Aquila, in coordination with local authorities, to continue in the promotion of housing policy is aimed at putting into safety of existing buildings that the construction of new buildings, in full compliance of seismic criteria.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Solution Electric Box Niveau 19

Confcooperative L'AQUILA : Nuova utenza telefonica

New user telephone Confcooperative L'Aquila: 348.6653932 . E 'continuous work Confcooperative to restore the activities of local cooperation.

Confcooperative continues the important work of the restoration of the activities of local cooperation. Pending the 'imminent inauguration of the new headquarters of the new patients telephone Confcooperative The eagle is 348.6653932.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Cheese Fondue, Without Fondue Pot

Protezione Civile: Firmata Nuova Ordinanza

L'Aquila, 5 October - On September 29 they have signed a an Order in Council of Ministers (n.3813), which sets out further action in favor of the Abruzzo region hit by the earthquake of April 6 2009.

These main themes:

Full coverage of the restructuring costs of condominiums
The building administrator may request the assistance of concessionary financing for homes B, C and E to cover the cost of the interventions on the structures, including the 'adaptation of sanitary and restore exterior architectural elements, including external finishes and the common parts of the whole building (Article 7).

Facilities for the leases
subsidy or loan contracts to rent subsidy or loan agreements pursuant to art. Ordinance No 11 3754 April 9, 2009 are exempt from all tax and law. For those already stipulated to the entry into force of this ordinance, the deadline for registration is suspended until November 30, 2009. In addition, the taxable income accrues to the owner is reduced by 30%. (Article 5)

MAP - Forms
temporary housing will be the mayors of the municipalities where the modules are built temporary housing - MAP to carry out interventions infrastrutturali e di mitigazione del rischio necessari per i nuovi insediamenti. Per le spese valutate in 500.000 euro si provvede con il fondo trasferito alla Protezione Civile.Per la realizzazione dei MAP è sufficiente una comunicazione di avvenuta approvazione del progetto (art. 2).
Sarà compito dei Sindaci dei comuni interessati assegnare ai nuclei familiari i MAP - Moduli Abitativi Provvisori, sulla base dei criteri definiti precedentemente dall’autorità comunale. Chi avrà assegnato un MAP, non potrà più usufruire del Contributo di Autonoma Sistemazione - CAS né alloggiare gratuitamente nelle strutture messe a disposizione dal commissario delegato (art. 9).

Contributi e indennizzi per gli orfani di genitori
victims of the earthquake orphans of one or both parents died from the earthquake may use the contribution or compensation payable to the deceased parent (art. 8)

School and University

The € 19.4 million allocated Ministry of Education's budget for 2009 will be used for schools damaged by the earthquake. In addition, the Ministry is authorized to receive donations from abroad in favor of schools and the University of L'Aquila for the restoration of teaching (Article 4).
The President of the Abruzzo region and will provide services to facilitate the movement of students in schools and University of L'Aquila in Abruzzo under (Article 11).

Extension of seasonal labor relations for hoteliers Hoteliers
that temporarily house people displaced by the earthquake are authorized to extend the working relationship with pitches up to the end of the emergency at its own expense. (Article 6)

inert waste recovery systems for recovery of inert waste will also be made in authorized areas to mining activities within the region Abruzzo (Art. 3). The recovery of waste will begin with the submission of the communication di inizio attività. Tali impianti dovranno presentare la richiesta di “verifica di assoggettabilità” per la procedura di Valutazione di Impatto ambientale. (art. 3)

Convenzioni con Consip
Per assicurare omogeneità di gestione e manutenzione delle strutture temporanee realizzate sul territorio abruzzese il Dipartimento della Protezione Civile può ricorrere alle convenzioni stipulate dalla Consip - Concessionaria Servizi Informativi Pubblici S.p.A. - per l’acquisizione di lavori, beni e servizi a favore delle popolazioni colpite dal terremoto (art. 10)

Abruzzo Engineering
Per gli interventi di assistenza in favore delle popolazioni colpite dagli eventi sismici the province of L'Aquila Abruzzo Engineering scpa may use up to a maximum of € 300,000 (art. 1).

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Levis Jeans With Belt


The Chamber, said that

the magnitude and severity of the earthquake of 6 April 2009 in the Abruzzo region have resulted in a heavy budget of lives, destruction and social and financial hardship is far from 'be taken as a whole and to the solution;
the great organizational and financial effort so far fielded by the State, local governments concerned, civil defense and fire departments will have to find continuity with appropriate additional resources and further action legislative measures to ensure a comprehensive response to the many needs in the areas affected by the earthquake determinatesi to safeguard what has already been provided for the populations affected by disasters of similar scope;
however, more immediately, we face many emergencies that require answers urgent, effective and consistent with the long-term strategy:

commits the Government:
to take with the utmost urgency, regulatory initiatives, starting in the next Budget, to ensure that the obligations in respect of tax and contributions, the people of Abruzzo are treated exactly, on time, and delays in the entity recognized as the populations of Umbria and Marche;
laws through initiatives also include:

a) appropriate financial resources, even in a multi-year course, designed to ensure the full reconstruction of the urban centers affected by the earthquake of April 6, 2009 regardless of any title deeds, also provides specific appropriations to meet the costs of full recovery of city centers and the historical and artistic heritage, public and private, regardless of the economic situation of the latter;

b) 'extension the concept of a principal residence the usual residence as defined in Article 43 of the Civil Code;

c) resources to meet the expenditure on the rehabilitation and bringing into safety of school buildings and premises and equipment of a public interest , while ensuring the inclusion of schools in the region, from those of the crater, in ' appropriate general plan for redevelopment of school required by ministerial decree on organic school year 2009-2010 submitted by ministerial No 38, April 2, 2009, and the consequent application of the parameters on the staff of the Ministerial Decree No 331, 1998;

d) resources designed to meet the needs of educational institutions also underlined by a resolution adopted at the Regional Council Abruzzo in which additional resources are requested € 16 million that are made available to the budget of the Ministry of Education, University and Research to be allocated to schools located in the Province of L'Aquila for the period from 2009-2010 in 2011-2012, to ensure a speedy and steady recovery of the educational activities and activities of the school administration, notwithstanding the financial targets set out in Article 64, paragraph 6, of Decree-Law of 25 June 2008, n. 112, ratified with amendments by Law 6 August 2008, No 133, and possibly suspend the effects on staffing and staff of the Abruzzo region of ATA for the school year 2009-2010 with a particular focus on 330 units of staff of the province of L'Aquila;

s) the financial resources necessary to ensure that as soon as possible is restored to full operation of the Hospital 'San Salvatore' and to make available, without further formality, as state resources are provided for in Article 20 of Law No 67, 1988, for interventions, as per the resolution of the Regional Council of Abruzzo No 69 / 6, 26 June 2002 and proposed by the Abruzzo region with a note of February 22, 2008, located in the province of L'Aquila and Abruzzo in the municipalities of other provinces affected by the earthquake and not yet assigned;

f) an increase significativo e corrispondente alle caratteristiche del tessuto economico aquilano, delle risorse destinate a finanziare l'istituzione della zona franca urbana ;

g) la proroga del contributo mensile di 800 euro prevista dall'articolo 5, comma 2, dell'ordinanza del Presidente del Consiglio dei ministri n. 3763 del 6 maggio 2009 per i collaboratori coordinati e continuativi, i titolari di rapporti agenzia e di rappresentanza commerciale, i lavoratori autonomi ed titolari di attività di impresa e professionali che non sono riusciti a far ripartire le proprie attività;

h) il prolungamento del periodo di sospensione dei mutui e dei prestiti disposto dall'articolo 5, comma 4, del decreto-legge n. 39 del 2009 e dall'articolo 2, comma 2, dell'ordinanza n. 3799 del 6 agosto 2009, e la contestuale integrazione delle citate disposizioni normative con la previsione dell'accollo del pagamento dei relativi interessi maturati e maturandi da parte dello Stato o in subordine la costituzione di un tavolo per far fronte alle problematiche legate alla ripresa dei pagamenti dei mutui e dei prestiti e alla quota degli interessi maturata durate la sospensione dei pagamenti, anche prevedendo risorse pubbliche volte a favorire il tavolo di negoziazione stesso;

i) la rapida attuazione della misura 87.2 B della Comunità europea in relazione alle calamità naturali, pratica rimessa alla Comunità dalla regione Abruzzo e per la quale it must have from the moment the earthquake defining also an agreement with the Regions to identify ways in which the committees monitoring the implementation of regional operational programs to transfer 1 percent of such measures to the benefit of this fund ;

j) the grant to the citizens of the areas affected by the earthquake remained disabled, dead or missing from the status of occupational accidents, including those who have suffered such an event from the aggravation of their disability, and to pay a pension all the citizens, who as a result of the seismic event resulting permanently disabled, and survivors to come to the equalization citizens who have died or dispersed, the survivors of deceased workers at work or occupational disease;

k) how to cope with the financial and organizational needs of the body of the fire, also because of the extraordinary human effort and technical fielded during the earthquake of Abruzzi, in particular by ensuring that funding for maintenance and the purchase of means necessary for the work of firefighters and to provide income support of firefighters using the increase of the measure night and holiday allowance.

"Lolli, Franceschini, Bersani, Soro, Serena, Bresso, D'Incecco, Ginoble, Tenaglia, Livia Turco, Mariani, Realacci, Bocci, Braga, Bratti, Esposito, Iannuzzi, Marantelli, Margiotta, Martella, Mastromauro, Morassut, Motta, Viola, Amici, Ferranti, Maran, Villecco Calipari, Baretta, Fluvi, Ghizzoni, Meta, Lulli, Damiano, Oliverio, Gozi».