Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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Gaudiano's lies. "Reduced 89 places in 9 departments' Hospital of Policoro, but strengthening

Gaudiano è un bugiardo, è sotto gli occhi di tutti in che condizioni versa l'Ospedale di Policoro dopo che per mesi è stato depauperato di personale e non vi è stato nessun investimento strutturale. Continua l'operazione mistificazione , dice che noi del comitato diciamo corbellerie , visto che anche i consiglieri Regionali Ruggiero , Castelluccio e Mollica hanno posto gli stessi problemi sollevati mesi fa dal comitato.
Pubblichiamo oggi l'articolo di Elia uscito ieri sul quotidiano che descrive la situazione dell'Ospedale ,ma basta farsi un giro la mattina per capire in che condizione operano i medici e personale paramedico. Scandalose e Vergognose inoltre sono le liste di attesa.

G. Elia
P OLICORO - On the one hand, the leadership Asthma reassures everyone that the hospital of Salerno center Ionic Avenue is a hospital of excellence, also to be strengthened with the inauguration of the new Emergency Room and new plans for improving their health and on the other There are the same operators of the hospital several times that of Policoro argue that the "John Paul II" will do the same end of tench. Where is the truth? Gaudiano at a press conference yesterday has pitted his data, social workers have others. Here they are: "With the merger of the ASL of Montalbano that of Matera, Policoro saw reduced 89 beds in various departments. More specifically in the medical wing is closed despite le dichiarazioni ottimistiche della dirigenza; quella chirurgica ha anch'essa un'ala chiusa e non si sa se sarà aperta e come utilizzata. Nel reparto di Ortopedia ci sono cinque medici, pochi per un' utenza che copre tre regioni a cui si aggiunge la mancanza di attrezzature per gli interventi di protesi al ginocchio, con il servizio di litotrissia sospeso. Nei mesi scorsi è di dominio pubblico lo spostamento della fisioterapia a Tinchi, a fronte di 40 mila prestazioni a Policoro, dove non si sa ancora chi deve svolgere le prestazioni visto che la società Stella Maris al momento
è inesistente. Si priva Policoro di un servizio vitale per portarlo a Tinchi mal collegato con i Comuni dell'entroterra. Nemmeno continuano gli operatoriil reparto di Psichiatria is in good shape: we have gone from 8 beds to 4
not sufficient to meet the numerous requests. Cardiology in the three beds are to close in the face of an aging population more and more and with the incidence of cardiovascular disease is increasing, and reduce the very Utica only 4 beds, where facilities include shelters for
Peace Maker and defibrillators. In this scissors are not followed, according to them, the activation of local clinics for heart failure and home care is weak with about 7000 patients. The radiology service is mobile with two visits per month, 12 nurses and 21 less in Oss, all in a context of lack of consultation between the top and periphery Company health scales in fact Policoro hospital wards and units working
relegating non-health center of excellence, but mortifying to hospital near abandoned by all

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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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Lopatriello saint immediately

Yes, it becomes apparent that the next council will be an agenda presented by the majority to seek the beatification of Lopatriello. This is the feeling you have after the press conference held yesterday in the City Council Policoro. In an empty room to witness the closeness of the citizens in this majority, there were few reporters working anywhere else because there was only the presence of majority of the directors. All swear to the honesty of the Mayor does not FF, that for the good of the country is being sacrificed as the "big men" do not resign their freedom to avoid the notorious commissioner. He is a great man a martyr for a victim to ask why Don Carlo and Don Mauri to intercede against the pope to begin the beatification of the Mayor. But the question can not beatify one alive, they smile, as if to say shut up ignorant, what is politically dead. Yes, because outside of official position, not all are tearing their hair, even the comments of the wings are other content, such as: statement should be doing less, or this, which is to say these things is just outside head etc.. A reader says that "the contents of the press conference he wanted to say: Thank you for your courage Lopatriello continues to be brave and we're waiting for you .. we are in solidarity but in the meantime we make our dicks and are in jail .. Thanks Lopy ... "and in fact you have the perception that the comment is true, so much so that that have already Hieron left to their fate is no longer needed him, on him not a word of comfort no hand in the fire rather not have a finger. The truth is that Nicola Lopatriello one man, a victim of his mistakes and that's going to get hurt and to hurt this city, a city that is paying a high price for the administration of these very bad year for both the shame of the past few months. I am a convinced opponent always, I would give him just a suggestion: change the defensive line, this is suicide, and if you truly love this city and save you from oblivion in which she has fallen resign.

Declaration N. Labriola and defender Hieron Latronico

Declaration of Mary Padula. Livia Lauria, Antonio Galante

Do Guys Like To Be Tickled?

Press Conference Leone

tomorrow will publish the statement of the lawyer Labriola defender of Hiero and videos with speeches by Galante and Mary Padula

Monday, March 7, 2011

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All Free Except Lopy.

all free, except Collamarini entrepreneurs who did the instance of freedom, in Hieron Latronico Viceconte never formally arrested, all but the Mayor Nicola Lopatriello. Instances of the lawyers were based in the disappearance of evidence after the incident precautionary needs and not on the evidence (they had already served more than two months of the three planned for the crime of corruption) in fact the PM has given all favorable. It remains only in the GIP, the mayor probably finds that there is a danger to society that the possibility of repeating the crime and pollution tests. The mayor could not FF to remain under house arrest for six months extendable for a further 6 months if the citation in court when the Lopatriello is disputed not only the crime of corruption, but also that of concussion (concussion is worth between 5 to 12 years in prison and then provides a pre-trial detention for 6 months). The office of Mayor Gianni Pierro claims not to be concerned about this latest decision of the GIP, even insists that his client no intention of resigning from his post for a public judicial inquiry, proclaim again as already done before the famous trump card, the Joker, which had already been raised before evidence of the incident, the news that will fall like a house of sand allegations , where we remember the incident evidence Lopatriello was silence. Arguments that exculpatory evidence that, according to the lawyer that the defense wanted to use in the eventual process will be forced instead to anticipate. We think that if he Lopatriello Common sense and love for this city, would be an act, to allow Policoro to start again and leave behind questa storia , consentendo a lui di difendersi da uomo libero .. ma loro continuano a dire TIRAMMO ANNANZ .......e TIRAMMO Annanz

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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Food allergies and migraine: a new way to heal Attilio Speciani Fundamental

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headache-sofa.jpg One thing is to be migraine Chinese restaurant ( related to excess glutamate in foods) or migraine triggered by chocolate or wine. Everyone has always recognized as a fact related to the excess of some substances present in one or another food. Migraine
from food intolerance however, related that repeated use of common foods, has always been a controversial topic. We do not understand why, but recognize that migraine headaches and depend on the way a person eats seems to be a snub against drug use. Eurosalus has always supported this thesis and in our clinical practice, even on the basis of existing work, we have always dealt with headaches and migraines recurring trying to cut through the cord, the inflammation induced by immunological reaction to food.
work published in late July on Cephalalgia (one of the most important international journals in the field migraine) is but one of those works set in an absolutely unambiguous (Alpay K et al, Cephalalgia. 2010 Jul; 30 (7) :829-37. Epub 2010 Mar 10). This is a job randomized, controlled and conducted double-blind, making the diagnosis of food intolerance from an IgG. It is estimated that the presence of a certain type of antibodies, those in the alternative pathway activated of allergy, which are an expression of a delayed food allergy.
Those who controlled the food provided by the IgG test had an important and significant reduction in the frequency and duration of migraine attacks.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

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the first five months of life TASTES OF BREAST MILK Pregnancy

(AGI) - Washington, 21 feb. - Per far imparare ai bimbi a mangiare frutta e verdura meglio iniziare dai primissimi mesi di vita. I sapori assorbiti dai bambini attraverso il latte materno, infatti, influenzano i gusti anche per il resto dell'infanzia e dell'adolescenza. Lo afferma uno studio dell'Universita' di Philadelphia, presented at the meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science being held in Washington. The researchers proved their theory by giving a baby formula that had enriched a bitter taste and acid then the subjects continued to look for and appreciate in the coming months through adolescence. Children in which the milk was given after six months, however, have refused. We have shown that''the period between two and five months of life and 'essential to form the taste of children - said Gary Beauchamp, one of the authors - and we believe that the mother is able to direct it, such as eating plenty of fruits and vegetables during pregnancy and lactation.''
Breast milk
Research, University of Philadelphia, directed by Dr. Gary Beauchamp and presented to the meeting American Association for the Advancement of Science
The period from 2 to 5 months is key to the future supply of baby
The power of the mother falls on the children. The foods she eats determine taste of her milk, which in turn weighed on the tastes of children , especially in childhood and adolescence.
So says a Research at the University of Philadelphia, directed by Dr. Gary Beauchamp and presented at the meeting of America Association for the Advancement of Science being held in Washington.
University The group has worked with some babies, dividing them into two groups. All children were fed with artificial milk, the particular composition and the characteristic flavor , acid and bitter. However, the first group received the milk right away, while the latter was able to enjoy only after 6 months.
's so as a result of the first group subjects liked the milk regularly consume through adolescence. The totally different the second reaction of the same age, who rejected it decisively.
According to Beauchamp, the work shows that the interval between 2 and 5 months are crucial period in which the shape of taste children. Therefore, the scientist encourages breast-feeding women to consume healthy foods, like fruits and vegetables. In so doing, their taste will send the milk and the child will learn to love the products in question even before tasting them "live".
SOURCE: Richard Gray, "Flavours in mothers milk May Determine the foods children like," Telegraph 20/02/011

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affecting taste with a low glycemic index

Le abitudini alimentari  della donna durante la gravidanza possono influire, positivamente o negativamente, sul fenotipo del nascituro, inducendo segni che permangono tutta la vita.

Oltre alla classica supplementazione di Ferro, Calcio e Folati, nei primi mesi della gravidanza, è necessario pianificare un regime alimentare  adatto sia alla madre, che allo sviluppo strutturale e funzionale del feto.  Uno dei modelli più accreditati in tal senso sarebbe quello mediterraneo a basso indice glicemico. Un regime di questo tipo ha shown to improve several issues relating to the reproductive system of women, such as ovulatory infertility. As for vitamin D, it is seen that an adequate intake during pregnancy is useful not only for bones, but also for the regulation of glucose, immune function and uterine contractility during labor. In this regard, many women in the United States of America, characterized by a lack of vitamin D and folate, it is recommended that the intake of multivitamin supplements in childbearing age, even before conception. An evaluation should be another benefit of the Mediterranean diet which is to take good amount of omega3 fish. Secondo gli americani, al momento di pianificare una dieta salutare per l'unità materno-fetale è bene intervenire con un counselling costante e scrupoloso e in mancanza di questo, è essenziale assumere integratori polivitaminici e minerali. Data la ricchezza del nostro modello mediterraneo, è forse più corretto per noi fornire una supplementazione mirata allo specifico nutriente, effettivamente carente.
Fonte: Maternal nutrition and perinatal outcomes.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

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The risks of natural remedies used for weight loss

The use of slimming products of plant origin, is now a practice particularly widespread and rapid increase in the control weight, since two thirds of the world's adult population was overweight. Consumers have direct access to these products, increasingly shun the advice of your doctor or pharmacist and also relies on product purchases on Web sites, which are supporting its effectiveness. Often the labels on the packages do not contain the information necessary for the safety of the product. In addition, consumers make use of dietary supplements along with conventional drugs, unaware of the potential risks of drug interactions that may suffer. Medicinal plants are commonly used Amorphophallus konjac, chitosan, Cyamoppsis tetragonolobus, conjugated linoleic acid, Ephedra, Garcinia cambogia e Plantago ovata. Un recente studio ha analizzato una serie di sospette reazioni avverse provocate da formulazioni dimagranti di origine vegetale, allo scopo di sensibilizzare un utilizzo responsabile di tali prodotti (1) . Le reazioni sono state a carico del sistema cardiovascolare, pelle, apparato digerente, sistema nervoso centrale, fegato e altri organi come reni tiroide e pancreas. La maggior parte dei prodotti conteneva un elevato numero di componenti. Reazioni cardiovascolari come ipertensione, tachicardia, fibrillazione ventricolare sono state associate a prodotti contenenti Citrus aurantium, guarana, o ma huang, poiché tali sostanze contengono diversi alcaloidi (come sinefrina, caffeina and ephedrine) that stimulate the sympathetic nervous system and increase the risk of arrhythmias, stroke and myocardial infarction. These cardiovascular responses are sufficient to highlight the need for careful consideration when using the medicinal plants that contain cardiac, especially in those subjects with cardiovascular risk factors and / or suffer from hypertension. As regards, however, drugs with anticoagulant activity and / or antiplatelet, these are often implicated in drug-herb interactions, and some medicinal plants contained in the suspect products (for example, dandelion, nettle, papaya) are known to induce isoforms of CYPs enzymes. Therefore, in order to avoid dangerous interactions, older patients with chronic diseases, which are usually treated in polytherapy medication, avoid taking natural remedies. Dietary supplements containing Coleus Forskohlii, were held responsible for any adverse effects to the central nervous system. The root of this plant contain fact, forskolin, which, by activating adenylyl cyclase, increases levels of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) stimulates lipolysis in fat cells, and promotes the secretion of thyroid hormone, contributing to the control of weight. In some subjects, the intake of this substance has caused an anticholinergic syndrome. Gastrointestinal disorders in patients treated con preparazioni a base di fibre solubili sono ben noti, tuttavia, un caso ha richiesto ulteriore attenzione. Una giovane donna di 22 anni è stata sottoposta ad un intervento chirurgico a causa di una lesione esofagea dopo una grave ostruzione dovuta all'ingestione di una compressa contenente chitosano, inulina, e altri ingredienti. Per quanto riguarda le reazioni avverse epatiche, sono stati segnalati sei casi di epatite. Due di questi erano legati a prodotti contenenti Garcinia Cambogia. In un caso l'uso di Garcinia Cambogia è stato associato con tè verde e acido linoleico. Un altro caso riguarda una donna di 45 anni di età, asmatica, che è stata ricoverata in ospedale, una settimana dopo l'assunzione per 7 giorni di due weight loss dietary supplements that contain, among other ingredients, Garcinia Cambogia and Citrus aurantium. The patient was on chronic treatment with montelukast, a leukotriene receptor antagonist, from 5 years before the onset of fatal liver failure. Significantly, the citroflavonoids contained in Citrus aurantium may have inhibited the CYP3A4 isoform with a consequent increase in plasma concentration and the relative toxicity of the drug metabolized by the same system. Other adverse reactions have been attributed to dermatological formulations containing Ginkgo biloba. Many products used for weight control contain substances of plant origin with characteristics Drug makers are also well known that side effects are predictable and therefore preventable. For these reasons, some food supplements should be used under strict medical supervision, and not as self-medication. Another recent survey (2) , conducted in Brazil has been using highly sophisticated analytical methods (including electrophoretic and chromatographic techniques, spectroscopic and electrochemical) in order to selectively identify all the components of some formulations slimming herbal medicine, which had provoked reported adverse consumer (headache, insomnia, nausea, chest pain, palpitations and fatigue). The analysis of the products have revealed the presence of active ingredients of synthetic origin added as adulterants in order to make more effective the product at the expense of consumer health. Such sophistication regarding the addition of pharmaceutical agents anorectics, antidepressants and anxiolytics as well as laxatives and diuretics. Have been identified fenproporex, chlordiazepoxide, fluoxetine, and sibutramine. In another study published in Brazil, 50% of samples analyzed were adulterated formulations of benzodiazepines but also from phenolphthalein, spironolactone, furosemide, hydrochlorothiazide and other stimulating agents such as fenfluramine and phenylpropanolamine. In light of the above, in order to improve the quality and safety of supplementi dietetici, risulta importante lo sviluppo di tecniche innovative nel campo della chimica analitica per la caratterizzazione di componenti bioattivi e l'individuazione di adulteranti pericolosi e contaminanti. Allo stesso tempo sarebbe necessario migliorare la qualità dell'informazione nei mezzi di comunicazione di massa con un chiaro ed esplicito profilo del rapporto rischio/beneficio.
  1. Vitalone A, Menniti-Ippolito F, Moro PA, Firenzuoli F, Raschetti R, Mazzanti G. Suspected adverse reactions associated with herbal products used for weight loss: a case series reported to the Italian National Institute of Health. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2011 Jan 18.

  2. de Carvalho LM, Martini M, Moreira AP, de Lima AP, Correia D, Falcão T, Garcia SC, de Bairros AV, do Nascimento PC, Bohrer D. Presence of synthetic pharmaceuticals as adulterants in slimming phytotherapeutic formulations and their analytical determination.  Forensic Sci Int. 2011 Jan 30;204(1-3):6-12.

Loreta Longo ed Eugenia Gallo

Istituto di Farmacologia preclinica e clinica

Università degli Studi di Firenze

Saturday, February 19, 2011

My Spinner Bike Squeeks

"Casalotto - Memory devastated" tonight on TRA

La terza puntata del ciclo di inchieste televisive " Agendaerre ", dal titolo " Casalotto gardens and a magnificent neo-Gothic chapel in gleaming white marble. Reano in the crypt of the chapel houses the tombs of the Marquis who have lived there. One of them, that Domenico, who was president of the Province and mayor of Catania, played a role in the unit of Italy, as well as in the history of eastern Sicily. Today there's hardly anything all destroyed, pillaged, crushed by the expansion construction. Even the graves are gone. In addition there are many voices of the black masses, not all unfounded, complete with a dead man killed.

The memory of all santantonesi and Aci is rooted there, ancient roots, complete with a temple greek in the middle.

The worst thing is that the park could revive long ago with European funding of two and a half million euro, but they were withdrawn. How is this possible? What really happened? The draft "esprorio and upgrading of the Park" has been lost for good? The current owners never cede to the city, and then to santantonesi? About:
know who is the park today? ...

Conceived, written, filmed and edited by Sebastian Amber
Saturday in prime time on the TRA, and replication mercoledì in prima serata.

In replica alle 13 dal lunedì al sabato.
Lunedì, martedì, giovedì e venerdì in replica in seconda serata.

Monday, February 14, 2011

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Febbre d'Amore: Nicholas e Sharon, ovunque tu andrai...

Nicholas and Sharon Newman: Communication interrupted (2002)

San Valentino and the magic of love ... A state of grace that frees all the emotions and feel omnipotent and the moon, when you have the luck and the beauty of love unrequited. Nicholas (Joshua Morrow ) and Sharon Newman (Sharon Case ) pair of Prince Restless , fell in love in high school, tenderly, passionately, gently , impetuously, and their feeling that united them against all odds, raising their hearts beyond all barriers with whose life and circumstances they have severely tested. When two people feel they belong nothing can separate them, because you can not crack a feeling powerful and authentic as love and crumble as it did not exist. Love never ends, but only love can not keep two people connected. Nick and Sharon in their long journey as a couple, have traveled different stages, were married, they built a family and tried to assert their identity. Every step taken together has been a little big milestone, a moment of growth, but both are also stumbled ... and fallen. And in that moment, when you land, feel the hand of that grabs you can make a difference. A Nick and Sharon happened more times than not understanding each other, to escape the confrontation, not being able to forgive and to be divided by a wall of lack of communication and often impassable. If a feeling can not be ripped off by heart, a broken heart can not beat in unison with each other and hoist a fort to protect themselves from pain, emotional injuries and unfulfilled expectations.

Nicholas thinks plagued the many magical moments lived with Sharon (February 2002)

the end of 2001, the emotional distance between Nicholas e Sharon raggiunge l'apice quando lei perde la figlia neonata subito dopo il parto. La piccola era nata prematuramente, dopo una gravidanza tribolata e contestata. Sharon non sapeva se la bambina fosse stata concepita con l'amato marito o frutto di una possibile violenza sessuale di cui forse era stata vittima, drogata dal diabolico Matt Clark ( Rick Hearst ), che prima di morire aveva dato per certo a Nick di aver abusato della moglie. Sharon aveva vissuto con mortificazione la maternità, ma si era opposta a test medici rischiosi per stabilire la paternità prima del parto e non aveva intenzione di far ricadere l'orrore lasciato da Matt on an innocent creature, which was equally popular with all herself. Nick, however, was not able to accept the possibility that his wife was carrying the seed of his worst enemy, who had twice destroyed their happy existence. tension and lack of communication raged for months, until a furious quarrel in which Sharon , stumbling over a chair to chase her husband on the run after an outburst from home, then getting hurt was in labor with dramatic results. Nicholas , trying gigantic guilt, she was never close as before, but along with that innocent baby had died a part of Sharon . Why Nick, in his eyes and his heart, had become a stranger, as it was cold and was absent when she needed support, kindness and protection. Sharon not understand the hatred of Nick Matt seemed to be stronger than his love for her. The months following the tragedy will take them first to be ever more distant, unable to re-establish a real contact despite some timid approach and love alive in the bottom of their hearts. Valentine's Day of 2002, which is Nick Sharon (he immersed in the confusion of Crimson Lights and she alone with her grief at the ranch) Rethinking to the many wonderful moments that have marked their love story. Magical memories to remember the magic of a genuine sentiment. The song is the background to the flashback of the past is Wherever You Will Go The Calling of , one of the global hit of 2002, which Restless used as the soundtrack suited to describe the power of love stormy between Nicholas and Sharon.

Nicholas asked Sharon to marry him (1995)

Lately, I wondered
Chi ci sarà a prendere il mio posto
Quando me ne andrò, avrai bisogno d'amore
Per illuminare le ombre sul tuo volto
Se una grande onda s'infrangerà,
Si infrangerà su tutti noi
E tra la sabbia e le rocce
Potresti farcela da sola?
Se ne avrò la possibilità, allora lo farò

Le nozze di Nicholas e Sharon Newman (febbraio 1996)

Andrò ovunque tu andrai
Lassù in alto o quaggiù in basso
Andrò ovunque tu andrai
E forse, scoprirò
Il modo per tornare indietro, un
day To watch you, to guide you in your darkest days

If a great wave s'infrangerà,
It will break us all

game between Sharon and seduction ....

Nicholas irresistibly drawn by his wife

Well, I hope there is someone out there
make it back to you with my heart Run away

Run away with my hope Run away with my love

Nicholas and Sharon beaming with the birth of Noah (1997)

Sharon e Nicholas fanno l'amore dopo essersi riappacificati, ritrovandosi (1999)

Sharon e Nicholas: amore da mille e una notte al chiaro di luna (2001)

Adesso so, in che modo
La mia vita e il mio amore possano ancora andare avanti
Nel tuo cuore e nella tua mente
Rimarrò con te per sempre
Se potessi tornare indietro
Andrò ovunque tu andrai
Se potessi farti mia
Andrò ovunque tu andrai

Sharon ripensa con rimpianto ai momenti magici vissuti con Nicholas (febbraio 2002)


U.S. air date: February 2002

Italian air date: October 2002

Sunday, February 13, 2011

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Beautiful: Stephanie, la grande accusa/ I timori di Jack Wagner alias Nick

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Beautiful: trame 14-18 febbraio

Monday, February 14

Tuesday, February 15

Wednesday, February 16

Thursday, February 17

Friday, February 18

Friday, February 11, 2011

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amino acids in the diet help fertility

The estrogen receptor in the liver is sensitive to ingested protein in the diet, ensuring that pregnancy occurs only with adequate nutrition

Controllo in gravidanza
Thinking about a important organ for fertility, in general our thinking nothing is in the liver. Yet, a study reported in the February issue of Cell Metabolism, conducted by a study group coordinated by Adriana Maggi, director of the Center of Excellence on Neurodegenerative Diseases University of Milan, not only establishes a definitive physiological relevance estrogen receptor in the liver but shows that the amino acids in the diet act directly on this receptor, activating it, and therefore play a very important for fertility.

has long been known that the estrogen receptor was expressed in the liver, but none so far had studied the role of this molecule. The team from the University of Milan has been working on an animal model in which the activity of the estrogen receptor could be investigated with non-invasive methods in animals living image. From the beginning the model indicated that the estrogen receptor in the liver proved more active than in any other body, including organs directly related to reproduction.

Furthermore, by putting the mice in caloric restriction has been detected a loss of hepatic estrogen receptor activity and decreased hepatic production of the hormone IGF-1 (or somatotropin) and inadequate for the normal progression of cycle and the preparation of the uterine wall implant fertilized egg. Dando after caloric restriction in mice more protein, but not carbohydrates or fats, the production of IGF-1 was restored and the rats returned to having a fertile cycle.

The assumption made by the research group is that the estrogen receptor in the liver acts as a sensor energy metabolism, ensuring that pregnancy occurs only in people who have adequate nutrition. The findings may help explain the mechanism that regulates puberty, some forms of amenorrhea and perhaps even fertility problems linked to obesity. As has long been known the relationship between anorexia and infertility, other forms of infertility, the cause of today is not correctly diagnosed, may in fact be linked to diets too rich in carbohydrates and fats

Maggi Comment: "This study has important implications for the explanation of some forms of infertility due to lower-protein diets and opens new perspectives for understanding of metabolic changes that occur with menopause or after pregnancy (such as diabetes postpartum). In addition, confirmation of the centrality of the hepatic estrogen receptor may help the search for new drugs capable of modulating the activity of this molecule only in the liver, allowing for new and more appropriate therapies for menopause. "
Editorial (02/10/2011)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Streaming Mario Salieri Gratis

La dolce attesa di Jennifer Gareis, Donna Logan in Beautiful: quanti trucchi per nascondere il suo pancione! / Celebri maternità telefilmiche

The pregnant Jennifer Gareis (Spring 2010)

Interview with Jennifer Gareis: how to camouflage the tummy in a soap

in the episode of Beautiful aired in Italy Donna Logan Forrester not doing too well: the moon honey with her husband Eric ( John McCook ) is definitely over, and a great tragedy strikes the family clan of Logan. Submitted in April 2010 in the United States and turn about a month before, these episodes high rate of drama affect the serenity of women but did not spoil the happiness of his statuesque performer. The blonde Jennifer Gareis was happily pregnant, and the sixth month of pregnancy . The interview part dates back to that period. The actress expressed her joy for the upcoming maternity shared with colleagues including the most expensive Heather Tom (Katie Logan Spencer in Beautiful ; have been friends since the days when both recited in Fever Love ) and talks about the funny tricks implemented to camouflage the tummy, since pregnancy was not included in the plots of soap. Among targeted shots, a chastened look more than usual and props strategically opaque Women just seems more buxom than usual and not pregnant . Jennifer then gave birth to little Gavin in June, becoming a mother for the first time. In a soap opera pregnancies are on the agenda. That a character becomes pregnant (but not the interpreter) or actress becomes pregnant (with pregnancy or not included in the plots) little change. Having children is central to this type of serialization, and is well suited to the needs of the script. Otherwise, for technical workers is not so difficult to hide the bump and the writers adapted the story of the character to the period in which an actress will go on maternity leave. Since the soaps are broadcast throughout the year without pause (except public holidays and bank holidays) and the story is unanimous, a pregnancy is on the agenda and will not damage the product and production. A different case is the gender of the TV series aired in prime time, which lasts about 13 to 22 episodes per season, which cast less and more dynamic shooting techniques. An unexpected pregnancy is more difficult to manage, because threatens to disrupt the plans of work and, in most cases can not be embedded in the plots because adereribbe not good for the development of the history and essence of the character played.

Famous pregnancies show

Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz in the role of Lucy and Ricky Ricardo in I Love Lucy (1951)

In Years 40 and 50 respectability and moral the iron age is reflected in the television series, where the women were mainly represented figures as subordinate to men, wives and mother anchored to family, angels of the hearth of the house dedicated to the cult. The talented comedian Lucille Ball in the sitcom I Love Lucy (aired from 1951 to 1957) revitalizes the role of women in television, offering a portrait of a housewife to the outside of the traditional standards. The attitude of Lucy Ricardo in the show and its tendency to commit disasters at home show a woman full of verve and personality, while not putting themselves in the limelight key feminist stereotypes of the genre. In the States I Love Lucy gets its ratings and stratospheric in its own way, has a small revolution in the costume. At that time it was forbidden to shoot pregnant women or simply talk about pregnancies and use the word 'pregnant'. When the actress is pregnant with husband Desi Arnaz (co-star of the show in the role of Ricky Ricardo ), after a long tussle with the leaders of the network producers are able to incorporate the pregnancy in the plots and Lucy becomes the first real mother of the small screen.

Samantha holds in her arms the baby Tabata (1966)

Samantha and Darrin Stephens in the small Tabata Bewitched (1967)

Bewitched (aired from 1964 to 1972) is a cult world of the small screen, responded to spur wrought by 30 years and several TV series inspired by the magic spell. Elizabeth Montgomery in the role of Samantha Stephens became an icon of style and embodied a new generation of women no longer as slaves of their husbands. Samantha is a witch married to advertising Darrin (Dick York ), who tries to succeed professionally and would like a wife Ligia its role as a wife in the quiet of their middle-class existence. A knowledge of the powers of his wife, Darrin pretende che Samantha non utilizzi mai le arti magiche e che si comporti da donna 'normale'. Ma tra una suocera provocatrice e mille parenti che appaiono dal nulla praticando incantesimi a iosa, la vita di Darrin è costantemente e suo malgrado sotto influssi magici. E Samantha , sia per arginare incantesimi disastrosi del parentando che per diletto, ricorre lei stessa alla magia. La magia è una metafora del talento di Samantha : perchè una donna dovrebbe rinunciare al proprio talento per subordinarsi al (buono ma mediocre) marito? Più rivoluzionaria di quanto non sembri in apparenza, Vita da strega cercò di rappresentare la classica famiglia dell'epoca con innesti della nascente controcultura che cambiò il mondo. Ma, come la più classica delle famiglie, anche qui arrivano due bebè. Le due gravidanze della Montgomery furono incorporate nella serie. Nel 1966, nel corso della seconda stagione, nasce Tabata ( Erin Murphy ), anche lei dotata di poteri magici, che svilupperà nei primi anni di vita, cui seguirà più avanti l'arrivo di Adam . L'attrice non ha perso nemmeno un episodio lavorando indefessamente sul set durante entrambe le gravidanze. Sposata col produttore e regista della serie, è stata rincuorata dal vivere tutto realmente in famiglia, col sostegno del marito.

L'astronauta Anthony Nelson e il genio Jeannie: la buffa coppia di Strega per amore (1966)

Strega per amore (in onda dal 1965 al 1970) nasce sull'onda del successo di Vita da strega . Protagonisti sono un astronauta (all'epoca figura decisamente in auge, per via della conquista dello spazio da parte delle due superpotenze) e un'affascinante genio. Anthony Nelson ( Larry Hagman ) fa naufragio su un'isola deserta durante un esperimento fallimentare e trova una bottiglia. Sfregandola ne esce una donna bionda e bella agghindata in Arabian Nights style . It 's a genius locked up in there for two thousand years, is called Jeannie (Barbara Eden ) and was intended to belong to chunque would be released. Jeannie moved to house more Nelson, calling him 'master'. Despite attempts to free him dell'ingombrante magical presence, the genius does not give up, because it firmly intends to stay forever at his side and to fulfill all his desires through magic. In the midst of misunderstandings and comic situations between the two shell also love, sorely tried by their different natures. The liveliness and spirit of nonconformist Jeannie weaken the concept of subordination of women to men, which apparently would be based on the relationship between the two characters. When Barbara Eden signed the contract for the series, was not pregnant. Soon after she discovered she was pregnant. During the filming of the first eleven episodes of season one, before the birth, the actress was bandaged and harnessed in oriental costumes that camouflages the tummy. Immediately after birth returned to the set to finish filming the first season and then the sparkling Jeannie could discover the navel with a new costume that emphasized femininity.

Doppia cerimonia di nozze a La famiglia Bradford : David sposa Janet e Susan sposa Mearle, con Nicholas che fa da paggetto (1979)

Tra i nuclei familiari più numerosi e amati del piccolo schermo c'è senza dubbio La famiglia Bradford (in onda dal 1977 al 1981). Tra gli otto figli di Tom Bradford ( Dick Van Patten ) era inevitabile che prima o poi arrivasse per lui un nipotino. Quando l'attrice Susan Richardson ha scoperto di essere incinta, gli sceneggiatori hanno deciso di incorporare la gravidanza delle trame. E così il suo personaggio, l'irrequieta and self-possessed Susan Bradford, undergoes a revolution. With the start of the fourth season in the autumn of 1979, Susan knows a handsome football player, Mearle 'The Pearl' ( Brian Patrick Clarke ). Between the two is at first sight: in a few episodes fall in love and decide to marry (it would have been unthinkable at the time shown on TV a pregnant woman who lived with his partner without being married couple). To revitalize the series, the episode was filmed at the wedding Hawaii with an impressive double ceremony. In addition to Susan Mearle and yes even pronounce the fateful David Bradford (Grant Goodeve ) and the historic girlfriend Janet (Joan Prather ). Susan soon becomes pregnant and her pregnancy progresses in the show just like in real life, with significant weight gain and birth in 1980. After the birth of his daughter, actress struggling to lose pounds and rumors that could be fired. Afraid to be exempt from the cast, he began snorting cocaine to lose weight but finds himself becoming addicted to drugs. Perhaps because of this his condition, which limits the concentration on the set, in the fifth and final season of Eight Is Enough the character di Susan subisce un vistoso ridimensionamento di screen time. L'attrice è poi riuscita a uscire dal tunnel della droga, che però non ha agevolato il proseguimento della sua carriera. Brian Patrick Clarke ha interpretato il ruolo di Storm Logan in Beautiful dal 1990 al 1991.

Lucy Ewing sposa Mitch Cooper in Dallas (1982)

Ribattezzata 'la nana sexy di Dallas' per via della sua non incredibile altezza compensata da forme generose e atteggiamento Sexy and uninhibited, Lucy Ewing (Charlene Tilton ) was the face of the younger seguitissima saga Dallas (aired from 1978 to 1991). At the beginning of the series Lucy is spoiled and restless teenager, who suffers for having been abandoned by his parents when he was small despite living a life in the golden side of grandparents and uncles in the immense Southfork Ranch. Feeling alone and basically not enough love, does everything to attract the attention of others with over the top behavior, early sexual experiences and attitudes libertines. In its path of growth and mature young woman seeking a meeting with the love opens the heart. When in 1982 the Tilton is pregnant, the pregnancy is not included in the plots but Lucy abandons provocative ways and put to a more opaque look and a new life alongside the hubby just fine married, Mitch Cooper (Leigh McCloskey ). Following will stir a plot that sees Lucy abort the child of a violence. Leigh McCloskey played the role of Kurt Costner in the Restless from 1996 to 1997 (in Italy we have not seen because of the leap second time).

David Addison and Maddie Hayes skirmishes of love and yellow to be resolved at Moonlighting (1988)

view of the yellow-series rose the most glamorous and brilliant TV, Moonlighting (aired from 1985 to 1989) is set in a private detective agency inherited from the famous and sophisticated ex-model Maddie Hayes ( Cybill Shepherd), who finds herself as a partner working the rough and virile detective David Addison ( Bruce Willis ). La coppia è caratterialmente agli antipodi, ma poli opposti inevitavilmente si attraggono. Dopo lunghe schermaglie amorose e un rapporto che per tre stagioni tiene col fiato sospeso i telespettatori, David e Maddie ammettono i sentimenti che provano e fanno l'amore. Questo passo però smorza l'interesse del pubblico, più divertito nell'assistere all'alchimia dei personaggi nel loro fare un passo avanti e due indietro anzichè vederli felicemente impegnati in una relazione stabile . Gli ascolti calano e la gravidanza gemellare di Cybill Shephard nel 1988 costringe gli sceneggiatori a rimaneggiare le trame per far uscire di scena temporaneamente Maddie and allow the actress not to take part in numerous episodes of the fourth season. Moonlighting loses final polish and start a rapid conclusion in 1989.

Denise, Maggie, and Dwayne Jaleesa: dorm mates in college All (1987)

Born as a spin-off of popular sitcom The Robinson , Different World (airing from 1987 to 1993) has his first starring Denise Robinson ( Lisa Bonet), the second of Cliff (Bill Cosby ) and Claire (Phylicia Rashad ). After graduating, the whimsical Denise left home and began attending the University Hillman, student housing on campus, where she makes friends among other things with the airhead Maggie (Marisa Tomei ), the 'impetuous Jaleesa (Dawn Lewis ) and the petulant Dwayne (Kadeem Hardison ). Denise is at the heart of the story, who see it groped to disentangle between school lessons and the first steps only in the adult world. Plots with the most topical and socially committed de I R obinson , wins the series success in the States. After shooting the first season
, Lisa Bonet discovers she is pregnant (the father is the emerging singer Lenny Kravitz ). The NBC decides to fire her, it does not believe that pregnancy should be included in the plots, which concern the life of university students and parents not on grass. is, however, agreed to return the actress e il personaggio di Denise nella serie madre, I Robinson . Nella quinta stagione (1988-1989) Denise torna a vivere dai suoi, assentandosi poi per un lungo safari in Africa (in pratica la pausa maternità della Bonet ). In Italia la prima stagione della sitcom (il cui titolo originale è A different world ) si intitolava Denise . Con l'uscita di scena del personaggio e un cast quasi completamente rinnovato ha assunto il titolo Tutti al college .

Willy insieme alle due interpreti di Vivian Banks in Willy, Prince of Bel-Air (1990 and 1993)

If recast the order of the day in soap, very rarely occur in films and sitcoms. It is but one example Fresh Prince of Bel Air (aired from 1990 to 1996), a successful sitcom that launched the career of star Will Smith , dressed as a boy Philadelphia of changing lifestyles and habits (but not its spirit) moving from the rich uncles and cousins \u200b\u200bliving in Bel Air district of Los Angeles for rich people and people in high places. In the first three seasons on the role of Vivian Banks, Willy aunt, is played by Janet Hubert-Whitten . When the actress is pregnant, the pregnancy in the third season is embedded in the plots and the woman gives birth to her third son, Nicky . But behind the scenes the situation is tense. The production does not renew the contract because the actress had broken a code that prohibited it from becoming pregnant while working on the sitcom. In addition, it would seem that Will Smith not go along with her for some time. So for the next three seasons, was hired an 'other actress to play Vivian : Daphne Maxwell Reid .

Dana Scully abducted by Duane Barry crowds in X Files (1994)

Dana Scully subjected to disturbing experiments ( 1994)

The dream journey of Dana Scully is in a coma: the encounter with his dead father (1994)

Dana Scully at the end of its mysterious pregnancy (2001)

X Files (aired from 1993 to 2002) is a milestone in the television series, with excellent writing and plots that have embraced multiple genres, fields and topics, ranging from science fiction to horror, from ethics to philosophy, science to religion, free will to destiny. 'S employees FBI Fox Mulder (David Duchovny ) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson ) have emerged in the collective result of their professional partnership based on a diametrically opposite view of the x files considered: he ordered a credere a teorie e concetti che esulino da riscontri empirici; lei razionale e pronta a mettere in discussione le cose solo attraverso la mentalità scientifica (anche se nel corso delle stagioni cambierà approccio). Soli contro tutto e tutti, tra cospirazioni del governo, alieni di cui dimostrare la presenza e casi inspiegabili da risolvere, Mulder & Scully sviluppano una complicità professionale sui generis e un'amicizia atipica basata però su una lealtà unica e indiscutibile. X Files è diventato rapidamente un telefilm di culto in tutto il mondo. Ma Gillian Anderson ha corso il rischio di lasciare la serie dopo la prima stagione. When she discovered she was pregnant, FOX questioned the participation of the actress in his second season. Would give birth to a third of the shooting season, which was a problem. Based on two main characters, X Files could not afford one of two interpreters available only partially. Pause between motherhood and especially the inability to turn in full physical availability of the type that characterizes the series dynamic scenes, the leaders felt that these factors have weakened a product that was taking off in the ratings and the rating and opted for a replacement. Chris Carter, producer and headwriter, strenuously defended actress and made her so it could remain in the cast holding her irreplaceable and Scully a character as not to question. The Anderson its part did not want to leave X Files, although the priority was certainly the child she is expecting. With great fortitude and physical effort is to work on the set until the ninth month of pregnancy , participating regularly in the episodes, that hold it committed several hours each day. The belly is hidden shots through targeted and extra-large coats that help camouflage decently. When the actress went to hospital to give birth, has in practice only one week di pausa prima di riprendere a girare. La sua maternità aguzza l'inventiva degli sceneggiatori, che elaborano una trama che si rivelerà uno dei pilastri della mitologia di X Files , con risvolti sorprendenti anche negli anni successivi. Scully viene rapita dallo psicopatico Duane Barry ( Steve Railsback ), un uomo che professa di essere stato rapito dagli extraterresti. Mulder fa l'impossibile per ritrovare la collega e compagna di tante peripezie, svanita in modo misterioso e inquietante anche dopo la cattura del folle. Gillian Anderson salta un solo episodio, poi torna sul set. Per agevolare la sua situazione e non sovraccaricarla di lavoro, gli sceneggiatori fanno ritrovare Scully in ospedale in stato di coma (che dura ben due episodi). In alcune scene il personaggio ha dei flash in cui si vede sottoposta ad allucinanti esperimenti medici; in altri compie un viaggio onirico in cui incontra il padre scomparso l'anno prima. Le scene sono statiche e non prevedono battute da parte dell'attrice, proprio per permetterle nella realtà di allattare la neonata e concentrarsi su di lei. Il misterioso rapimento di Scully non è mai stato spiegato del tutto (come nella natura degli x files), ma il suo abduction la porterà nella quarta stagione a sviluppare un cancro al cervello, come altre vittime di rapimenti alieni (o presunti tali). Si scoprirà che in verità chi l'ha rapita le ha anche espiantato degli ovuli per fecondare una nuova razza di esseri umani. Nell'ottava stagione (2000-2001) Scully resta incinta contro ogni previsione e possibilità medica. La sua gravidanza misteriosa (a partire dal padre che si scoprirà essere Mulder solo dopo la nascita del piccolo William ) la mette in pericolo, perchè il figlio che aspetta è speciale, una sorta di predestinato. Tanto che Scully , per proteggerlo, non esiterà a darlo in adozione augurandosi che abbia un'esistenza migliore. Gillian Anderson , a differenza del personaggio, questa volta non era incinta.

La famiglia di Michaela Quinn allietata dalla nascita della piccola Katie ne La signora del west (1996)

Ambientata in Colorado nella seconda metà dell'Ottocento, La signora del west (in onda dal 1993 al 1998) ruota intorno alla vicende di Michaela 'Mike' Quinn ( Jane Seymour ). Di buona famiglia e laureata in medicina (tra le prime donne a esserlo), Michaela lascia Boston per esercitare la professione nel selvaggio west, in una cittadina pionieristica chiamata Colorado Springs . In addition to winning the mistrust of citizens who will eventually accept a woman who plays a hitherto male-dominated, The lady of the west is medical issues, social and civil timeless. In the new town Mike is also a family by adopting three abandoned children, and love, leaving seduced by wild Byron Sully (Joe Lando ). Jane Seymour, after so many successful miniseries increases its popularity. When in 1995 is pregnant with twins, pregnancy is introduced in the series, partly because it happens ad hoc, since Michaela and Sully got married recently. In the last episode of season four, in circumstances of emergency, Mike gave birth to little Katie .

The wedding of Andrea Zuckerman and Jesse Vasquez in Beverly Hills, 90210 (1994)

Andrea goes into labor rescued from ' friend Donna (1994)

Beverly Hills, 90210 (aired from 1990 to 2000) defined an era and uninhabited for a decade, establishing itself come il primo teen drama della serialità televisiva. Con l'avvio della quarta stagione (1993-1994) i ragazzi di Beverly Hills non sono più dei teenagers e s'affacciano alla vita da universitari. L'attrice Gabrielle Carteris (che ha superato da un po' la trentina ma interpreta una diciottenne) resta incinta e il produttore Aaron Spelling acconsente a far rimaneggiare le trame per incorporare la gravidanza nella serie. E così Andrea Zuckerman , ex liceale puntigliosa, votata allo studio più che alle relazioni sociali e impacciata nei rapporti con l'altro sesso, nell'arco di pochi episodi perde la verginità, ha una relazione con un assistente universitario e resta incinta di Jesse ( Mark Damon Espinoza ), un cameriere part time e studente di legge full time che conosce a una festa. Andrea è indecisa se tenere o no il bambino. Da sempre intenzionata ad affermarsi attraverso il lavoro e l'emancipazione a tutto campo, si ritrova a dover cambiare rotta e impostazione di vita. Pur non rinunciando agli studi, decide di non abortire. Sposa Jesse e, nell'ultimo episodio della quarta stagione, dà alla luce la figlia. La Carteris invece partorisce proprio il giorno in cui in tv viene trasmesso l'episodio in questione. La gravidanza di Andrea è stata molto controversa. Critica e telespettatori l'hanno ritenuta fuori luogo perchè snaturava il personaggio e minava la sua essenza. Non a caso la quinta stagione, in cui Andrea si divide tra le difficoltà di neomoglie, neomamma e studentessa universitaria, è l'ultima che vede in campo personaggio e attrice.

Brandon Walsh al capezzale dell'amata Kelly Taylor in Beverly Hills, 90210 (1997)

Brandon stringe la mano a Kelly, che ha perso la memoria dopo essere stata in coma

When they start filming the eighth season of Beverly Hills , 9020 summer of 1997, Jennie Garth ( Kelly Taylor) is at the end of her first pregnancy. Targeted and shot a look opaque (salope dresses and oversized) disguise the paunch. While the rest of the cast flies to Hawaii to make a holiday episode, actress and character are to Los Angeles because it is not recommended to fly in the third quarter. To facilitate Jeannie plots provide then that Kelly falling victim to a gunshot in the parking lot while the airport will welcome friends return from the trip. Kelly ends so the risk of hospital death. Loses consciousness and falls into a coma. Meanwhile, the actress gives birth to a child . When he comes on set to film the scenes are quite relaxing, with Kelly lying on the bed that takes knowledge and effort to be found with no memory upon waking, while the boyfriend Brandon Walsh (Jason Priestley ) waking up her.

The sisters Holly and Valerie Tyler in Things I Like About You (2002)

Jeannie Garth take another pregnancy on the set of his next work, the sitcom Things I Like About You ( aired from 2002 to 2006), which features two sisters of different ages. She interprets Valerie, who acts as guardian and moral guidance to the lively teenager Holly (Amanda Bynes ). In the first part of the first season, the Garth is the last months of her second pregnancy, hidden in the scene with every trick imaginable , from clothing covering a huge shopping bags. From the second season the character of Valerie without bellies to hide , take a look trendy and value-adding.

Heather Locklear and Rob Estes in the role of Amanda Woodward and Kyle McBride on Melrose Place (1997)

Melrose Place (aired from 1992 to 1999 ) has redefined the 90 Years on TV with his winning formula based on characters unscrupulous, hungry for sex and success, constantly immersed in scandalous affairs and over the top season of cynicism and humor. Born as a spin-off of adult Beverly Hills, 90210 , the serial has quickly taken a road of its own, many other series have tried in vain to imitate. It is women who Melrose Place to play the part of the lionesses, dominating the scene and marked the time of romantic relationships (or occasional). Determined, aggressive, insecure, capricious, self-destructive, insane, victims or perpetrators, the female figures of the apartment building at 4616 Melrose Place to offer a mix of flavors that grips the viewers, raising the cult TV show to be missed. Lovely and seductive, the latest fashion or just wearing veils, actresses Melrose Place pierce literally the video. Aaron Spelling, producer of the series, does not like pregnancies on the set, because unsuitable to the kind of scenes to be shot. An unexpected pregnancy it costs to Hunter Tylo (Taylor Hayes in Beautiful ) the termination of the contract for a leading role, which will see the battle in court to protect his rights (treat the story below) . In 1997 Heather Locklear, star of the series in the role of the beautiful and willful Amanda Woodward, gets pregnant. Spelling attached to it as a father and does everything to facilitate, allowing the actress not to miss even one episode.
Heather , lean, would not get fat so this helps the eye-catching and shooting, even if they are taken almost exclusively close-ups when the pregnancy is advanced. In the middle of the sixth season when the Locklear birth, Amanda the victim of a helicopter crash. Ends up in hospital unconscious, risking his life first and then paralysis. With two episodes shot entirely lying in bed, the actress has so way not to lose heart after birth.

Lisa Rinna in the shoes of the sexy airhead and Taylor McBride (1997)

Lisa Rinna posing naked and pregnant for Playboy (1998)

During the sixth season of another actress Melrose Place discovers she is pregnant. Lisa Rinna is the bombshell of the show in the role of the airhead and sgualdrinesca Taylor McBride. Taylor is a character over the top, a cheating husband and mangiauomimi who finds himself embroiled in situations trash to the limits of absurdity. The pregnancy was incorporated into storylines last minute Taylor that gets pregnant by Dr Mancini (Thomas Calabro ) even if he tries to attribute the husband who has divorced, the handsome Kyle McBride (Rob Estes ). After giving birth, actress and character leave the series. Meanwhile Lisa Rinna , lively and uninhibited in life as on screen, gives scandal posing naked and pregnant for the February 1998 Playboy , amounting to a record of sales.

Thomas Calabro and Josie Bissett in the shoes of Michael and Jane Mancini in Melrose Place (1998)

ended the embargo Spelling pregnancies on the set of Melrose Place, even Josie Bissett joins the ranks of expectant mothers. Jane Mancini, his character, in the first season had a miscarriage, sad fate that has befallen herself in 1996 after leaving Melrose Place half of the fifth season because of pregnancy and then stopped. But during the seventh and final season, the actress discovers she is pregnant again. Here too, the pregnancy is adapted to the plots. Jane is pregnant Michael Mancini but then decides to grow a child with new love Kyle McBride, whose interpreter was (then) husband in real life. The delivery (of the actress and character) takes place off screen, a series now complete.

Lauren Lane hides the bump in the role of CC Babcock will The Nanny (1998)

La tata (in onda dal 1993 al 1999) diverte il pubblico di tutto il mondo con le peripezie comico-sentimentali di Francesca Cacace ( Fran Drescher ), verace ed esilarante tata al servizio della ricca famiglia Sheffield . Il leit movie della sitcom (oltre al look e ai parenti sopra le righe di Francesca ) è il rapporto professionale e d'amore (inizialmente non corrisposto) tra la sgargiante tata e il suo impeccabile datore di lavoro, un raffinato e british produttore teatrale di Broadway . A frapporsi tra loro c'è anche l'acidissima C.C. Babcock ( Lauren Lane ), which aims to capture the man who is bound by a professional collaboration. When Lane become pregnant during the fifth season (1997-1998), pregnancy is not incorporated in the plots but is used by sitcom constant inside jokes and jokes theme. Since the actress has to wear extra-large coats and clothing to camouflage the tummy, the other characters often turn to Babcock making them see these issues. The same CC ., Ironic take on the soap trick used to hide the pregnancy, around the house hiding behind huge pots and making out. When The actress goes on maternity leave for a few episodes his character is put in a nursing home.

Phoebe Buffay after giving birth to triplets in Friends (1998)

Friends (aired from 1994 to 2004) is one of the most popular sitcoms of all time and followed, with the advantage of having represented a generational split with humor, sarcasm, light and well blended six characters in the most disinterested and invigorating relations: friendship. In the United States Friends has always been at the top of rankings of the plays and the rest of the world has caught on everywhere. The six performers of sitcoms have become real star, with multimillion-dollar fees per season. In the fourth season of pregnancy Lisa Kudrow is inserted into the plot. The surreal and outlandish Phoebe Buffay lends itself to a sui generis conception. Phoebe by accepting to become a surrogate mother for the half-brother (Giovanni Ribisi ) and companion, becoming implanted a fertilized egg and by continuing the pregnancy that the woman could not accomplish. pregnant with triplets, they were born on the hundredth episode of series at the beginning of the fifth season. Reluctantly separates them, however, aware that children are not biologically his and he made a selfless gesture. The choice of the writers were smart and successful, because while it would be very difficult to hide the pregnancy of the actress (the shots are almost always in the sitcom-length), on the other make Phoebe mother permanently distorted the character and weakened the dynamics of six friends still in an existential crisis and emotional
. Lisa Kudrow , because of pregnancy, does not take part in the transfer of the rest of the cast London for the final episode of the fourth season, filmed in the UK. And Phoebe not fly overseas friends for the same reason.

Carrie Bradshaw in the fifth season of Sex and the City (2002)

icons of fashion and style, women liberated prisoners of our time and limits men, of themselves and relationships. The stars of Sex and the City (aired from 1998 to 2004) enchant the audience in their friendly against existential self-awareness and their adventures with the many members who represent l'altro sesso. Tra rapporti fugaci e la ricerca dell'amore ma soprattutto di se stesse, Sex and the city è un capolavoro televisivo che parla della vita e dell'anima molto più di tanti sterili trattati di pensiero . Nel 2002 la quinta stagione viene ridotta a soli otto episodi quando la star della serie, Sarah Jessica Parker , resta incinta. Produttori e sceneggiatori hanno preferito interrompere le riprese e organizzarsi per una sesta stagione con un numero di episodi superiore piuttosto che rendere mamma Carrie Bradhaw e cancellarne l'essenza. Inoltre sarebbe stato impensabile mimetizzare la gravidanza con abiti larghi e penalizzanti o non degni della modaiola e trendy Carrie , Whose look at the making of episode seasons varies in a sample episode of cult fashion. Pregnancy Cynthia Nixon instead was introduced in the plots: the anaffective lawyer Miranda Hobbs unexpectedly finds himself with mother and new priorities in addition to professional career.

Connie and Andy Sipowicz in NYPD - New York Police Department (2003)

A NYPD - New York Police Department (aired from 1993 to 2005) women are tough cop and tough as men. E, proprio come gli uomini, hanno tante fragilità nel privato. E' il caso di Connie McDonald ( Charlotte Ross ), sicura di sè come detective ma lacerata nel profondo per aver dato in adozione la neonata che partorì quando era un'adolescente. La gravidanza della sua interprete nel 2003 consente agli sceneggiatori di adattarla al personaggio. Connie diventa di nuovo mamma, dopo aver trovato stabilità affettiva e sentimentale a fianco del burbero e laconico detective Andy Sipowicz ( Dennis Franz ), vedovo con un bambino e tanto amore da dare.

Piper Halliwell with her son Wyatt and the ideal man created a spell in Witches (2003)
Witches (aired from 1998 to 2006) wins the audience with the adventures of three sisters special rush to seek happiness in private life. Forced by destiny to fulfill their duty of witches against the forces of evil, represented by demons and witches, are chronically sacrifice part of their lives in a struggle against the dark forces of magic and defeated from time to time with the power of three. Between spells, astral projections, orbits and schools Magic, the special effects are guaranteed. In the fifth season Piper Halliwell (Holly Marie Combs ), his sister and mother hen most rational, becomes the mother of magic Wyatt, had with her husband, the white angel Leo ( Ryan Krause ). During the sixth season, but his interpreter to be pregnant : the Combs is forced to disguise the pregnancy with shawls and loose clothing, but managed not to skip even one episode since giving birth to filming completed .

Will Truman attends the best friend Grace Adler, about to give birth in Will & Grace (2006) Will & Grace

(aired from 1998 to 2006) has taxes paid homosexuality on television and offered to viewers in hilarious situations. The series has brought a wave of innovation in sitcom with characters outside the box, vitriolic and politically incorrect jokes and dissemination of the tenets of gay culture. The lawyer Will Truman (Eric McCormack ) and furniture Grace Adler (Debra Messing ) si conoscono dai tempi del college e sono anime gemelle. Lui è gay e lei eterosessuale, per cui non hanno una relazione sentimentale ma è come se fossero sposati. Amici del cuore e conviventi, ironizzano sulle rispettive (e quasi sempre fallimentari) relazioni con uomini e donne, contando l'uno sull'altra nel momento del bisogno o litigando per le rispettive nevrosi. Nella sesta stagione (2003-2004) la gravidanza di Debra Messing non viene inserita nelle trame, ma complicazioni mediche la costringono a girare meno scene del previsto e a saltare l'ultima sessione di episodi della stagione, con conseguente rimaneggiamento delle trame. Nella sesta e ultima stagione è invece Grace to be pregnant. Will and Grace agree that child to grow up together, but at the last moment she makes peace with her ex-husband Leo (Harry Connick Jr ), which previously had betrayed her and decided to form a family with him, breaking his heart to Will (which will then take a baby with her boyfriend which was in turn reconciled).

Sydney Bristow in Alias \u200b\u200b (2005)

Sydney Bristow (Jennifer Garner ) is the key figure of Alias \u200b\u200b(aired from 2001 to 2006). CIA agent, finds himself at the center of a web of international espionage situations with a high level of danger. Coached mentally and physically to face any kind of risk, his life is a constant division between what is and what is really in the missions but also in private. Jennifer Garner was awarded a Golden Globe for the effective interpretation, which includes martial struggles really played. Filming of the fifth and final season (2005-2006) because of her pregnancy are divided into two periods, just like television programs show, to allow plaintiff to recover a long maternity break even physically fit and return to shoot action scenes. In the shots is pretty obvious that she is pregnant due to a severe weight gain, although the usual tricks mimetizzanti work.

Dr. Miranda Bailey tyrannizes trainees Grey's Anatomy (2005)

Meredith Gray and Dr. 'Strangelove' Derek Shepherd in Grey's Anatomy (2009)

Grey's Anatomy (in onda dal 2005) è una commistione tra il medical drama e le primetime soap con spruzzate di comicità da dramedy. La vita professionale e privata degli specializzandi e dei dottori del Grace Hospital di Seattle s'intrecciano costantemente, in sala operatoria e fra le lenzuola, ridefinendo il telefilm di stampo ospedaliero. Due le cicogne che hanno allietato il set finora. La gravidanza di Chandra Wilson nella seconda stagione viene inserita nella trama. E così la tosta Miranda Bailey , abile chirurgo e guida morale degli scapestrati tirocinanti, si ritrova with the bump and then the star of a difficult childbirth, preparing to have to share with many of guilt between a job that feels like a mission imperative and a young son to look after. The Wilson remains in maternity break by skipping a couple of episodes. In 2009, however Ellen Pompeo , the protagonist in the role of Meredith Gray, to be pregnant. Pregnancy is partly camouflaged by the shirt and especially through specific shots. Months after the birth of the actress, is instead Meredith to discover she is pregnant, at the end of the sixth season, but just then in danger of losing to a fatality the beloved Derek (Patrick Dempsey ) ...

The detective Olivia Benson in Law & Order - Special Unit (2006)

The detective Dani Beck and Elliot Stabler in Law & Order - Special Unit (2006)

In Law & Order - Special Unit (airing since 1999) investigates the police Special Victims Unit New York. Subject soni investigation of sexual crimes or that affect vulnerable and disabled people. The pair made up of detectives Elliot Stabler ( Christopher Meloni) and Olivia Benson (Mariska Hargitay ) is balanced to perfection. Both have a strong character and capacity for action. He is instinctive and aggressive if necessary, her human and empathetic with the victims, but stop and look safe while chasing the killers. United by a professional relationship with great loyalty and friendship that does not need too many words, deal with any cases of breast and professional integrity, even if Elliot tends to lose control when the criminals have hit individuals under a certain age threshold to the point of wanting to do for Death. In 2006 Mariska Hargitay deservedly won the ' Emmy for Best Actress in a Drama Series. At the same time she is pregnant. Participate in the first episode of ' eighth season of Law & Order - Special Unit, shot in the eighth month in order to justify the absence of Olivia in the next handful of episodes . Benson participated in a covert mission and is then recruited by ' FBI to investigate in another state on a group of alleged terrorists ecological. L'attrice deve anche simulare una caduta in seguito ad uno sparo, ma viene imbottita da una guarnitura sotto il vestito che la protegge. Ad affiancare il detective Stabler arriva temporaneamente una nuova detective, Dani Beck ( Connie Nielsen ). Più simile a lui di Olivia , inizialmente Elliot apprezza il suo impeto da giustiziera, ma poi si accorge che la detective infrange la legge e capisce quanto sia importante avere una partner in grado di riportare alla ragione.

Orson e Bree Hodges controllano the fake belly for she is the right place Desperate Housewives (2007)

set among the immaculate white fences Wisteria Lane, Desperate Housewives (airing since 2004) was immediately elevated to the status of a cult series. At center stage are the desperate housewives, women who for various reasons, have seen their lives to divert in different directions than they had hoped, with desperation attached to each of them turns to desperate behaviors. Bree Hodges ( Marcia Cross) is a prisoner of the myth of respectability social as well as obsessed with order, by rigorous cleaning and education shall be given to children. But nothing goes as you hope. His delusions of control eventually generate reactions opposite to those sought. Bree basically just wants everything to be perfect, because they aim for perfection leads to be better people. In the fourth season is the star of a bizarre plot. When her daughter Danielle ( Joy Lauren) is pregnant, Bree is so shocked by the fear of what people would think to send it secretly in a convent in anticipation of childbirth. He does not want the people around (including friends) to judge the girl a slut and she was a bad mother and inattentive. It 'also believed that her daughter is too immature and selfish to be an effective parent. He decides, in accordance with the second husband Orson (Kyle MacLachlan ), to simulate herself pregnant with a lot of fake belly. When the son of Danielle born, will pretend to be his, and will raise it with love, hoping for a chance to redeem herself as a mother after failing the first two children. Marcia Cross here was not really pregnant, but it was twice the previous season, expecting twins. Due to problems during pregnancy, the actress was forced to leave the set much earlier than expected and stay in bed until the date of birth. The writers have thus anticipated the closure of the plot that starred on the past and Orson Cross filmed his last scenes directly into the bedroom of his house. After an absence of one third of the season, came back for the latest episode. Bree announces to his friends (fake) pregnancy and the actress has already given birth.

Cheryl looks after her daughter Gracie will According to Jim (2008)
Per inserire una gravidanza nelle trame cosa c'è di meglio di una sitcom a stampo familiare? E' accaduto a La vita secondo Jim (in onda dal 2001 al 2009) con protagonista Jim Beluschi nel ruolo dello scanzonato Jim Tuesday . Nel corso dell'ottava stagione, la sua bella moglie Cheryl ( Courtney Thorne-Smith ) è in dolce attesa e la famiglia televisiva si allarga, complice la reale gravidanza dell'attrice.

Le nozze di Lily e Rufus in Gossip Girl (2009)
Anche se nel teen drama Gossip Girl (in onda dal 2007) sono i ragazzi privilegiati dell' Upper East Side di New York a dominare la scena con intrighi in stile Le relazioni pericolose , i loro genitori non stanno a guardare. L'amore tra la ricca e altezzosa Lily van der Woodsen ( Kelly Rutherford ) e l'ex cantante Rufus Humprey ( Matthew Settle ) , dopo anni di schermaglie amorose e un figlio avuto da ragazzi e dato in affidamento, nella terza stagione è coronato dalle nozze. The Rutherford not take part but the first episodes of the season because at the end of her second pregnancy. The absence of Lily is justified with a trip for medical reasons. During the season his role will still be scaled to give her the ability to manage motherhood after a difficult divorce.