Monday, September 21, 2009

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Ordinanza n.3808: nuove misure in favore delle attività produttive e delle infrastrutture

E' stata firmata martedì scorso, l'ordinanza del Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri n.3808, che stabilisce nuove misure in favore della ripresa delle attività produttive e interventi sulle infrastrutture.

(art. 10) Novità per le attività produttive.

Ci sono 60 giorni in più di tempo per presentare la domanda per accedere the compensation provided for productive activities that have suffered economic losses due to the earthquake. The application must be submitted to the mayor of the municipality in which the activities within 120 days from July 20, the date of publication in the Official Gazette of the order n.3789.

(art. 4) In addition to the provisions of Ordinance n.3789, if the provisions of the City do not allow access to sites to assess the damage from the building, the deadline for submission of the application begins the day that it is actually granted access.

(art. 4) n.3808 According to the order must be "sworn" and not "under oath" that the report describes and quantifies the damage suffered by the building for which compensation is sought. The change also applies to the application form attached.

(art. 4) The costs incurred for appraisals to be attached to the request for assistance within nell'indennizzo n.3789 granted the order of 9 July 2009.

(art. 4) Work on the road. Anas, RFI, and Interregional OO.PP Aquila Province are the people who must implement in their own budgets, the works under article 8 of the order in which they are allocated n.3805 of € 10 million to work on the road to achieve the reopening of schools, universities and production activities. Questi soggetti sono autorizzati anche ad occupare con urgenza ed, eventualmente, ad espropriare le aree in cui verranno realizzate queste opere. Lo potranno fare prescindendo da altri adempimenti, dalla redazione dello stato di consistenza e del verbale di "immissione in possesso" dei suoli, che può avvenire anche in presenza di due soli testimoni.

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Confcooperative rientra nel ristretto gruppo di associazioni che ha partecipato agli incontri e siglato, con il segretario generale Vincenzo Mannino, l’Avviso comune per la sospensione dei debiti delle pmi verso il sistema creditizio( Avviso Comune Firmato )

L’Avviso – spiega Marino - Contains two potential very positive: the first is, of course, the further anti-crisis measures launched to mitigate the pressure on SMEs. The second potential - added the President of Confcooperative - look beyond the crisis and it is the commitment to work together to promote the strengthening of the capital of Italian SMEs.

'Cooperatives - concluded Marino - are well aware of the endemic problem of under-capitalization that has a justification for their structure, but you'll find that most capitalist enterprises suffer from the same limit. "

Here Policy Brief can read the summary made da Confcooperative sull'Avviso comune.

Vi segnaliamo il link

l'area dedicata all'elenco delle banche con relative date di adesione pubblicato e aggiornato quotidianamente dall'Abi. Nella stessa sezione troverete un elenco FAQ per consultare le risposte scritte fornite alle domande più ricorrenti

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Vegetable Chow Mein Nutritional Data

What's going on? (08/09)

Very Important News
While life goes on tv and there are things that newspapers do not explain and that the city forgets.
The information that you do not deceive with the Securities de ilCasalotto.

An August with the center usually Berlusconi and his misadventures "hot." But it is That's the problem?
Premier nervous and worried he rails against the few newspapers that are not his, making the case, so the shield protects the Lodo Alfano, at least until the verdict of the Consulta. But is that really the case
escort concern to the Premier? No? At the Popes, as always, are concerned about the judges, although it would be more correct to say that his past is his biggest problem. In recent investigations on the killings of the 90, where Violante was recently recalled to learn something, many people are involved, from right to left .
But if there is one person who has benefited from that time out is one. And we know who he is.
All the planets revolve around how the sun, friends and enemies. When the sun king will turn off the other planets die. Cicchitto including corruptor. And maybe we'll know something more about that part of the country, including the Carabinieri, which is probably colluding with the Mafia. For now, silence ... What's the secret state otherwise.
In August, however, is another success, was manifested in all its cruel trick the refoulement of migrants (to the delight of the playful son of Bossi), they show signs of cuts in school and sow death in the workplace .
In all this madness goes great Fernanda Pivano. Italy crash lower and lower.

Violante key witness

Messina: Police seize young contrary to the bridge!

P2 first detecting, then sends his servants to remember
's crazy the next day: Fioravanti free!

The card fan is unconstitutional

is the HIV genome

Ciancimino What's in the sim?
Cicchitto investigated for corruption

Guzzanti: lunge in puttanopoli

boy beaten by police in Messina

Mediatrade: new Berlusconi trial

Prime Minister attacks Rai3

great success for the demonstration against the bridge

Gaddafi: call him a friend!

Mafia and Police ... who knows!?
August 2009: E. Faith on state aircraft

The peccadilloes of Silvio

Zamparini: the card fan is fascist!

City Ct closed x failure: 1 year and 1 / 2 or 60 years?
Die Pivano, an Italian mother of the Beat Generation

La mafia che vuol sconfiggere la mafia

Insegnanti: il più grande licenziamento di massa!

Grillo-Giovanardi: battaglia per la canapa
Pd e Pdl promessi sposi

Il gioco dell'immaturo!

73 migranti partiti dalla Libia muoiono in mare!

Roy Paci trattato da criminale

Paternò A La Russa does not dissolve the Council for mafia

A Sgarbi cover because the mayor can not do!

Bits of truth on the agreement mafia-state

The government makes a law to raise the dead on the job

Rome city homophobic?

E 'another dead Kennedy

All Italians devono vedere Videocracy

Mafia e Berlusconi secondo il delirio di Bossi

Berlusconi non risponde, fa causa alle domande!

Sheenan: anche Obama è rimasto in guerra

E ora provate a insegnare, se ci riuscite!

Gli Editori non vedono Berlusconi e accusano Google

And there are still those who defend torture!

why Felt attacks Avvenire

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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Split Entry Ranch Remodels

Riapertura sede Direzione Provinciale del Lavoro

Comunicazione della Direzione Provinciale del Lavoro dell'Aquila

Riapertura della sede in Viale Aldo Moro

La Direzione Provinciale del Lavoro dell'Aquila comunica che da lunedì 7 settembre 2009 gli Uffici will return to its original location of Viale Aldo Moro 28 / d , rendered temporarily uninhabitable by the tragic earthquake that struck the city of L'Aquila.

Please note also that the Regional Directorate of Labour is moving steadily in the same premises in Viale Aldo Moro 28/d.Â

The arrangement is important both for workers who return to carry out their institutional tasks more easily, is for users who encounter less discomfort.

Telephone numbers: Switchboard Manager
0862/404368 0862/419131 Fax 0862/422610


Bear in mind that assets and skills of the Provincial Labour Departments:

Legal Affairs and Legal Representation in court

Administrative appeals
Accident Investigation administrative work required of questioning

Education Technical Supervision

Supervision on construction sites
Supervision jointly with the railway safety
supervision of ionizing radiation
speeches police on safety and hygiene
technical findings concerning the protection of women, children, working mothers, the protected categories , CIGS, application of the statute workers, etc..
control systems and equipment subject to the directives of the market
Checks lifts
administrative provisions relating to hygiene and safety at work
Issue / Renewal of Drivers License for Steam Generators

ongoing supervision
supervision of enforcement of contracts collective bargaining and the application of all laws relating to employment and social security
Planning and coordinating activities of other supervisors in social security and tax
Supervision of training activities and administrative verification accounting
Supervision of patronage
Watch on the basic level of benefits relating to civil rights and social
Reconciliation monocratic
wary about requests for assistance established for claims satisfaction capital employed

Labour Relations - Labour disputes

settle individual and multiple public and private sectors
its conciliation and Collection
arbitration contracts and collective bargaining agreements
Advice on collective bargaining agreements
Relations with local and integrated services with respect to procedures for the management of surplus
collective disputes over matters of competence

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Tooth Decay Egg Experiment

Ghosts of Prg

At Aci S. Antonio City Council has returned a large hot potato: the plan, while the historical lessons and appeals santantonesi paventano un ritorno di questioni che sembravano dimenticate. Nei mesi scorsi infatti, la presidenza del Consiglio ha prelevato la proposta di revisione del Prg proprio all'indomani dell'assoluzione dell'onorevole Turi Urso dal processo che lo vedeva imputato per alcune

Caso vuole che l'approvazione dell'attuale Prg porti la data del

12 luglio del 1991

, proprio all'indomani della domanda di autorizzazione a procedere

a carico del deputato Urso all'allora ministro della Giustizia Martelli . Sem

bra quindi che il

fantasma dell'onorevole Urso aleggi ancora around the plan of Aci S. Antonio. For the record, it should be noted that the ' former undersecretary of the South and the post office still resides at Aci S. Antonio at the age of 84. Urso during his quarter century or more administration, gave birth to the current Prg changing some agricultural areas in building and increasing the index "in its favor in land owned by neighbors politically" at least according to this' accusation, however,

was denied by the Court of Appeal of Catania. The big brawl

then still bears his wounds because of the downgrading of the charges ended well storico Bosco di Ac

i in sciara. Oggi il bosco sta diventando parco suburbano grazie alle battaglie di quei consiglieri che denunciarono, anche fisicamente, le lottizzazioni che stavano avvenendo.

Per questo ancora oggi il territorio di S.Maria la Stella non rientra nel Piano regolatore santantonese. La frazione fu stralciata dal Piano per essere successivamente rielaborata, ma negli anni l'interesse delle amministrazioni che si sono succedute è stato di basso profilo. Solo durante la sindacatura di Domenico Presti , nel 1996, si è avuto un vero tentativo per colmare il gap. Giuseppe Maugeri (Ordinario di Fitosociologia all'Università di Catania) donò a

zero spese

uno studio agricolo-forestale per il Prg di S. Maria la Stella. Purtroppo il tutto finì nei meandri burocratici. Per quanto riguarda i dieci anni dell'amministrazione Pulvirenti, la cittadina ha subito un'anestesia che ha inevitabilmente addormentato l'iter del Piano regolatore.

Nel 2001 infatti sono scaduti i vincoli ambientali e nei due anni successivi il tentativo di rinnovarli ha solo portato inutilmente ad uno sperpero di denaro pubblico: oggi i vincoli sono ancora scaduti. Nel 2004 si è poi costituito un Ufficio del Piano che, anch'esso, ha speso denaro pubblico (About 200 000 €) for equipping an office equipment today, in light of the proposed audit firm since 2006, seems almost useless. This office has been brought up by the new mayor Pippo Cutuli, first in his electoral program which reads:


primary intention of the Administration is promoting the establishment of a permanent office of the Plan.


and then, in early 2009, criticizing the work of the previous administration. But from the beginning of term, just today we see a resolution for the reconstitution of the Office

what the Plan, after More than a year. And after the proposal was dusted off in discovering his Council no technical merit. Here, "random", the acquittal of the father of the plan by the moral go-ahead to a process that promises a long and fraught with problems.

For 2011, expires when the current plan, ready to be a PRG that has not thrown away the little that has been done and that has improved public expenditure. Once validated by the appropriate agencies, the proposal could tararsi for 28,000 inhabitants. This may seem a high number considering that back in 1991 with the actual 12.500 abitanti si tarò il prg a 20.000 e oggi i residenti effettivi sono poco più di 17.000 . Alzare la previsione facilita la

speculazione edilizia

, quindi tenendo in considerazione le

stime ufficiali

che hanno previsto per il 2023 un numero di 21.000 abitanti si può tranquillamente progettare un piano regolatore che duri fino al 2031 per circa 24.000 abitanti. Dovrebbe essere più che sufficiente per evitare notevoli lottizzazioni selvaggie. Un altro problema è l' incompatibilità dei consiglier i (e perchè no della giunta) con le aeree da rielaborare. La legge impone l'astensione by a vote of the directors within the 4th degree. This can result in the invalidity of the civic forum if you reach the 11 present. At that point, a commissioner should be appointed external rielaborerà Prg the office with the necessary modifications. The not so improbable hypothesis will first be synonymous with impartiality, but other fees may be less than those of the democratic dialectic Representative. A checkers without a commissioner appointed by a regional council of the same color can be a real mayor santantonese questionable. Many, therefore, the variables involved. In a game, in fact, that it is all to see. _______________

The survey was published in the newspaper of Sicily on August 29 .

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