Confcooperative rientra nel ristretto gruppo di associazioni che ha partecipato agli incontri e siglato, con il segretario generale Vincenzo Mannino, l’Avviso comune per la sospensione dei debiti delle pmi verso il sistema creditizio( Avviso Comune Firmato )
L’Avviso – spiega Marino - Contains two potential very positive: the first is, of course, the further anti-crisis measures launched to mitigate the pressure on SMEs. The second potential - added the President of Confcooperative - look beyond the crisis and it is the commitment to work together to promote the strengthening of the capital of Italian SMEs.
'Cooperatives - concluded Marino - are well aware of the endemic problem of under-capitalization that has a justification for their structure, but you'll find that most capitalist enterprises suffer from the same limit. "
Here Policy Brief can read the summary made da Confcooperative sull'Avviso comune.
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