Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Can I Drive With A Torn Calf Muscle?

Gaudiano's lies. "Reduced 89 places in 9 departments' Hospital of Policoro, but strengthening

Gaudiano è un bugiardo, è sotto gli occhi di tutti in che condizioni versa l'Ospedale di Policoro dopo che per mesi è stato depauperato di personale e non vi è stato nessun investimento strutturale. Continua l'operazione mistificazione , dice che noi del comitato diciamo corbellerie , visto che anche i consiglieri Regionali Ruggiero , Castelluccio e Mollica hanno posto gli stessi problemi sollevati mesi fa dal comitato.
Pubblichiamo oggi l'articolo di Elia uscito ieri sul quotidiano che descrive la situazione dell'Ospedale ,ma basta farsi un giro la mattina per capire in che condizione operano i medici e personale paramedico. Scandalose e Vergognose inoltre sono le liste di attesa.

G. Elia
P OLICORO - On the one hand, the leadership Asthma reassures everyone that the hospital of Salerno center Ionic Avenue is a hospital of excellence, also to be strengthened with the inauguration of the new Emergency Room and new plans for improving their health and on the other There are the same operators of the hospital several times that of Policoro argue that the "John Paul II" will do the same end of tench. Where is the truth? Gaudiano at a press conference yesterday has pitted his data, social workers have others. Here they are: "With the merger of the ASL of Montalbano that of Matera, Policoro saw reduced 89 beds in various departments. More specifically in the medical wing is closed despite le dichiarazioni ottimistiche della dirigenza; quella chirurgica ha anch'essa un'ala chiusa e non si sa se sarà aperta e come utilizzata. Nel reparto di Ortopedia ci sono cinque medici, pochi per un' utenza che copre tre regioni a cui si aggiunge la mancanza di attrezzature per gli interventi di protesi al ginocchio, con il servizio di litotrissia sospeso. Nei mesi scorsi è di dominio pubblico lo spostamento della fisioterapia a Tinchi, a fronte di 40 mila prestazioni a Policoro, dove non si sa ancora chi deve svolgere le prestazioni visto che la società Stella Maris al momento
è inesistente. Si priva Policoro di un servizio vitale per portarlo a Tinchi mal collegato con i Comuni dell'entroterra. Nemmeno continuano gli operatoriil reparto di Psichiatria is in good shape: we have gone from 8 beds to 4
not sufficient to meet the numerous requests. Cardiology in the three beds are to close in the face of an aging population more and more and with the incidence of cardiovascular disease is increasing, and reduce the very Utica only 4 beds, where facilities include shelters for
Peace Maker and defibrillators. In this scissors are not followed, according to them, the activation of local clinics for heart failure and home care is weak with about 7000 patients. The radiology service is mobile with two visits per month, 12 nurses and 21 less in Oss, all in a context of lack of consultation between the top and periphery Company health scales in fact Policoro hospital wards and units working
relegating non-health center of excellence, but mortifying to hospital near abandoned by all

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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How To Use The Camera On The Front Of My E71

Lopatriello saint immediately

Yes, it becomes apparent that the next council will be an agenda presented by the majority to seek the beatification of Lopatriello. This is the feeling you have after the press conference held yesterday in the City Council Policoro. In an empty room to witness the closeness of the citizens in this majority, there were few reporters working anywhere else because there was only the presence of majority of the directors. All swear to the honesty of the Mayor does not FF, that for the good of the country is being sacrificed as the "big men" do not resign their freedom to avoid the notorious commissioner. He is a great man a martyr for a victim to ask why Don Carlo and Don Mauri to intercede against the pope to begin the beatification of the Mayor. But the question can not beatify one alive, they smile, as if to say shut up ignorant, what is politically dead. Yes, because outside of official position, not all are tearing their hair, even the comments of the wings are other content, such as: statement should be doing less, or this, which is to say these things is just outside head etc.. A reader says that "the contents of the press conference he wanted to say: Thank you for your courage Lopatriello continues to be brave and we're waiting for you .. we are in solidarity but in the meantime we make our dicks and are in jail .. Thanks Lopy ... "and in fact you have the perception that the comment is true, so much so that that have already Hieron left to their fate is no longer needed him, on him not a word of comfort no hand in the fire rather not have a finger. The truth is that Nicola Lopatriello one man, a victim of his mistakes and that's going to get hurt and to hurt this city, a city that is paying a high price for the administration of these very bad year for both the shame of the past few months. I am a convinced opponent always, I would give him just a suggestion: change the defensive line, this is suicide, and if you truly love this city and save you from oblivion in which she has fallen resign.

Declaration N. Labriola and defender Hieron Latronico

Declaration of Mary Padula. Livia Lauria, Antonio Galante

Do Guys Like To Be Tickled?

Press Conference Leone

tomorrow will publish the statement of the lawyer Labriola defender of Hiero and videos with speeches by Galante and Mary Padula