Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Winspear Performance Hall

national spotlight for another Sat

The 160 employees of Sat
that oversee the company, smashed by the same property, are struggling with all their might, and their voices are reaching the country pages of the chronicle of this financial crisis.
Unit of the February 18 article by Joseph Provenzano
160 cassintegrati, broken dreams in Etna valley

In the solitude of the crisis, the South, are untold stories out of Italy, and known in the world instead. The SAT is a company that produces leadframes for electronic industries. The leadframes - "stripes", say the workers - we do not know what they are, in fact. It is located in Aci Sant'Antonio, Catania. It is one of three companies the world's leading ...
(... continued ...)
On Micromega , today (February 23) article by Sebastian Amber :
SAT, how do you close a ditta sana

A marzo scadrĂ  la cig per 160 dipendenti altamente specializzati dell’ex polo dei sogni chiamato “Etna Valley”. Un impianto efficiente, dalla storia brillante, sbarra il futuro ai dipendenti seguendo logiche di profitto che sposteranno la produzione in Oriente (...continua...)