Sunday, August 23, 2009

Converted Lobster Boat

What's going on? (07/09)

Very Important News - July 2009 LE scam
While life goes on tv and there are things that newspapers do not explain and that the city forgets.

The history of our country is a big rip-off: who will pay never pays. De Gennaro is one of them, strictly liable, along with someone else of what happened in Genoa in 2001. This second Republic is a rip made with the blood of Falcone and Borsellino. Who governs us has to do with the massacres of 1992, a letter has just come out of the mob calling for a TV Berlusconi clearly shows the relationship mafia-state. The TV that we see should not exist, we have cheated, just ask Europa7.
rulers criminals can not help but write laws like that crimonose security. Of course to be sure they are criminals, not citizens. Another rip-off.
If you go by bike you take off points on your driving, there seems to be a catch? And the G8 shiny? Called incinerators or incinerators? Even these are not rip-off?
continue to trick us with rumors, like the party of the south. And Berlusconi with his prostitutes continue to scrub the "ammuccalapuni" on duty.
Catania! You who always voted the same, those that increase profits and give you only cement, did you know already, you have cheated yourself. The same applies to those who voted Mastella.
But it is also a rip off especially when you want to apply the PD as secretary, especially if your name Beppe Grillo and you have a serious program.
They continued to trick us? Of course, if we continue to be ignorant ... to ignore the scam that we suffer.

Genoa 2001: De Gennaro asked only 2 years

Latest Photos of Jacko live

was the new fake boyfriend Noemi

And the national news became aware of the waste in CT

Dinner Berlusconi Judges: Napolitano refrains

Lodo Alfano: Amirante ensure impartiality
July 8 to 9: Petrol strike

Help Sicilians

From Berlusconi to Riina and Provenzano through Ciancimino

Viva security: anyone can overwhelm you with the stinging spray!
Europa7 can not start

Internet for free to all residents. Where? In Venice

Incredible! Take away points to those who use a bike license

Spaghetti, Pizza, Mandolin and Racial Laws!
Vicenza A police beat people to a free

Environment: Paolo Berlusconi condemned

condemned the police that killed Frederick

Riina Berlusconi promised favors in exchange for a TV network
The Popes with lesbians

El Pais interview, D'Addario

G8: Berlusconi to Comedy?

through obscurity incinerators Sicilian
Salvini! Only the league, the league only c'avete ...

The male is no longer needed?

The letter to Berlusconi mafia

Obama in Italia

I Consiglieri catanesi si aumentano i gettoni

Chiesti 14 anni al cecchino Spaccarotella

E dopo il G8?

Provenzano e Mediaset

Beppe Grillo segretario del PD

Mastella scontento: rubo pochi soldi

In onda la puntata censurata con Vauro e Borromeo

The last taken for a ride: the party of the South
's where Silvio when he goes back pain

between Berlusconi and Audio prostitute

De Magistris, guard of European funds

Riina: Borsellino has killed the state
The disgusting caste

casting concrete on the seafront of CT

Il dissesto non abbandona Catania

Solo 6 anni a Spaccarotella

Guerra di potere per il Sud

Torna la pillola Ru486 in Italia!

4 mld alla Sicilia: si mangia!

Si rifà il processo su morte Borsellino
Rutelli&Berlusconi occulteranno gli atti?

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How To Know If Scorpio Male Is Interested In You

Hunt Treasury

Il 2009 era iniziato con il bilancio dei primi 6 mesi del sindaco Pippo Cutuli. Ci si aspettava una lunga lista di obiettivi raggiunti, invece il primo cittadino esibiva Park Casalotto or maintain the '

area of \u200b\u200brecycling far greater choice than that.
However since the only result is, we go to Treasury


in those pages renovated and soon neglected municipal website. fact going to see in the " Tenders and Contracts " we see as the first resolution on the

01/01/2009 Notice of public auction for the procurement of the Department of Treasury, the period from 01/01/2008 to 31 / 12/2012

. Bene andiamo a vedere. Cliccandoci sopra però abbiamo un'amara sorpresa: non c'è nulla di quanto indicato nel titolo, il suo contenuto riguarda ben altra cosa: il condono dei tributi risalente all'amministrazione precedente!

Ma non è finita perchè lo sgomento arriva in fondo alla pagina quando cliccando sull'

allegato si apre un documento word chiamato " schema domanda lavori capannoni carri
" .

Capannoni? Carri? Cosa c'entra? Il file è un modulo di domanda per partecipare agli appalti dei cantieri dei carri del Carnevale di Acireale!!!! Che delirio!!! Dei documenti della tesoreria nessuna traccia, in compenso un bello scherzo di Carnevale.

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